Windstone Dragon Photos- the Bigger Guys (and Gals)!

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    Wow ! There are a lot of very impressive Dragons. I wonder how many differents colors there are for each Dragon statue.


    Koishii, that Jade Scratcher is nice! I see what you mean about photographing him; the second picture makes him look like an Emerald Scratcher.

    Hologramme, Astral Castle’s website keeps an encyclopedia of Windstones on it. Here’s the link:

    It lists each dragon in terms of colors produced they were produced in, when the colors were introduced, and when they were retired. It does not include the Limited Production pieces available only through the Windstone store or Windstone’s e-bay pieces. For the e-bay pieces, check Ravnheart’s database:

    It shows what pieces were on e-bay and the high, low, and median selling price for each. Thanks to Ravnheart, Pegasi1978, and Lokie for keeping it updated!


    Thank, Pegasi1978 give me the link too.

    I just want to know, what is an OOAK Prototype ?


    OOAK stands for One of A Kind. A Prototype is a Windstone piece that was made, and then changed in minor ways for the production casts. The Prototype Old Warrior, for example, had more battle damage on his scales, and the tip of his wing connected with his head; all of this was changed on the production casts.


    Ok, thank you for the explanation.


    OMG I HAVE that scratcher!! Eee! 😀 That must be why I always get confused calling that one Jade or Emerald! I’m really so excited, I just love my scratching dragon even more now!!

    EDIT: Here are pics of him!

    Just looking handsome….


    Ah yes pose for me darling!

    Nice side view…

    Those purdy wings!

    I love my Jade Scratcher! 😀

    Jennifer wrote:

    I guess I’ll start!

    Here is my ‘old’ brown Old Warrior, with a ruby scratcher in the background (and a guest appearance by a Peacock coiled male).

    Scratcher and Rising Spectral size comparison:
    (This is a jade scratcher and a peacock rising spectral)

    And photos of the jade scratcher. For newcomers, ‘jade’ is a color that no one at the factory really knows existed! These were ‘supposed’ to be and were marked as emerald dragons and are fairly rare. They were a mistake, but a very pretty mistake.


      my big baby,my prize ALOW Red/Lav.#4 coming home for Christmas.Thanks Jacki and Jeff 😉

      some of my bigger babies

      newest edition,Toasty

      Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoy them too 😀

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male day🤞Dream on.


        :hi: This is about half of my collection of Ms.Melody’s Creations 😀

        I’m so proud of them 😀

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male day🤞Dream on.


          Very nice Mi!


            jackid55 wrote:

            Very nice Mi!

            Thanks sweet 😀

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
            Male day🤞Dream on.


              Here are my laps

              My Steel Blue Lap


                I love that silver Lap 🙂 . I actually had her for a desktop image for a little while 😳 .


                😥 😥

                Steel blue lap?! Gorgeous!!


                  Dragons4Life wrote:

                  😥 😥

                  Steel blue lap?! Gorgeous!!
                  DITTO!That made my heart smile 😀

                  Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                  (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                  Male day🤞Dream on.


                    bodine6127 wrote:

                    my big baby,my prize ALOW Red/Lav.#4 coming home for Christmas.Jacki gave me this photo…

                    😮 I’m so Jelous! 🙂 Beautiful OW! (my birthay is in may…LOL!) 😉 XD

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