Windstone Dragon photos- all the other dragons!

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  • This topic has 93 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 15 years ago by Bob.
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      Frozen, we need to get you a dark stripey pink curl also! 😯 😆
      All pieces are mine unless otherwise noted.

      Empea curl (found a new home) and old green fledgling

      Emerald fledgling (sold on eBay)

      Emerald hatching emperor and empress

      Emerald hatching kinglet and old green young

      Old green curl- this one found another home

      Old green curl- this one is mine

      Emerald coiled male

      Emerald coiled female

      (Semi-newer) peacock hatching empress- has a new home, along with her shades 8) 😛

      Old green fledgling

      Old green male, female and hatchling, along with some closeups of male’s squinty eye


        Dragon87 wrote:

        (edit): New peacock, I can’t seem to tell if he’s em peacock or the ret. peacock, he looks too green to be the peacock but not green enough for the em peacock.

        He’s peacock. No “lime” green on him at all. Here’s what the EmPea young looks like. Another way to tell them apart is jewel color. Peacocks had light blue jewels and EmPeas have purple jewels.


        pegasi1978 wrote:

        He’s peacock. No “lime” green on him at all. Here’s what the EmPea young looks like. Another way to tell them apart is jewel color. Peacocks had light blue jewels and EmPeas have purple jewels.

        Oh Thankshya!!!!!! I know so little about these guys, other then they are beautiful. Maybe I can learn a bunch from you people. And I can’t see really light blue well, it looks blue sometimes to me, and white, otherwise, but, then again, Those green distance signs looks blue to me. Very weird vision.


          Nams Flame crest male

          White Mamma

          My loveable Violet Flame Fledgie

          a bad picture of my Jade Scratcher (the first one that was discovered!!)

          Two different male dragons I had once. Traded one of them off a long time ago. One has a felt pad, another one doesnt


            😯 Does that white momma have as much gold shading as she looks to have? She reminds me of SParks white emperor that looked almost yellow.


              camouflage curlie! The shrub matches him nicely don’t you think?


                Jade Silver Coiled Mother #2 =)


                  Ooohh isn’t she lovely!

                  twindragonsmum 😀



                    Oh she’s nice…I want one. 🙄


                    My new momma peacock. Mint, tag and box. She was a gift. Beautiful. Not from my fiancee. I won’t say why (it’s a long story that you guys totally don’t wanna hear). I told him not to get me anything, but, whatever. (that and he’s conveniently lost the receipt so I can’t return it).


                      She’s very pretty. I love the Momma dragon sculpt. Peacock is still my all time fave color for her.


                      Christmas present 🙂 A very nice one for that matter.


                        Pretty, congrats!!


                          Pretty, pretty! Congrats 😀


                            Close up of the Ruby Mother dragons stair…

                            Rainbow momma *with flash*

                            Without Flash…

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