Windstone collection

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    Nirvanacat and phil the Dragon,
    Are there pictures around of your collection?



    Go to Nirvana’s profile and click on the Photobucket website. But it doesn’t show all the pieces.


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Go to Nirvana’s profile and click on the Photobucket website. But it doesn’t show all the pieces.

      It doesn’t? 😯


      lol will do 😀


      😯 Cheese and crackers!

      Gosh you are lucky you two! Some beautiful limited editions!


      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Go to Nirvana’s profile and click on the Photobucket website. But it doesn’t show all the pieces.

      It doesn’t? 😯

      No, we get them at least once a week, it seems. But we are pretty much up to date.


      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Go to Nirvana’s profile and click on the Photobucket website. But it doesn’t show all the pieces.

      It doesn’t? 😯

      Where’s the spotted flapcat? 😈


      Did we win it? We were out of town.


      Yeah, you won it. $160. 😀


        Funny…I don’t remember winning that….I thought I got outbid at $162.50…..Someone I didn’t recognize….


        Ummm… Any way you can check E-Bay? I already removed it from my watch list, but I’m pretty sure I saw 2bidding has ended” and your name was down there as winner…


          I removed it already too….but I never got anything from the seller and it says I don’t owe anyone money….I definately would have remembered 😯


          That’s strange. I thought I could rely on my memory…


            Nirvana was outbid by someone named shock_hazard. It is Item number: 220100414090.

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