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  • #735871

      Men are not practical, unless, forced under the threat of reduced sex, they have been known to produce crooked spice racks.


      Snapdragon wrote:

      Men are not practical, unless, forced under the threat of reduced sex, they have been known to produce crooked spice racks.

      LOL Snap you are too funny 🙂 My fiancee is randomly practical… good for me, cuz I am not!

      What the duece? What happened to all of the emoticons? I miss the little devil guy….. hehe….

      They were all there this morning… I blame Snap. I blame him for alot of things that are probably not his fault… XD


        I’m cool with that, so long as you don’t blame me for getting you pregnant. :negative:


          Actually, I’m the impulsive one in the family, hubby has to bring me back down to reality. 😈 –that’s me.


          Snapdragon wrote:

          I’m cool with that, so long as you don’t blame me for getting you pregnant. :negative:

          😮 ……….. that would also require getting pregnant in the first place, but no, me fiancee would take ALL the blame for that one. Even the blame that’s supposed to be alloted to me.


            Excellent, can he take some for me too if I happen to get myself in that predicament? :scratch:


            I doubt it. He does want to survive my fury after all. 😉

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