
Why I shouldn't invite my mom to stuff

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      sounds like you guys have to be very mature, she sounds like a child to me, y’all have to raise her good 😉 that seems hard though, but very neccessary


        purpledoggy wrote:

        I don’t care, hijack away. I can’t believe someone would have a cell phone on during a wedding. I can understand not wanting small children at a wedding. My brother actually let me bring Alyssa to his but if she so much as babbled I was ready to up and walk away so as not to disturb the ceremony. I’ve seen loads of people who let their kids scream bloody murder so I can see why alot of people wouldn’t want small children at their wedding.

        It was the pianist/organist. She had swapped phones with her husband for the day (no clue why). Someone tried to call him, but since she hadn’t turned the ringer off, and the phone was in the small room just off the front of the sanctuary everyone can hear it. We didn’t find out it was “her” phone until much later…which was a good thing because we can laugh about it along with everything else that went wrong (power went out, my husband’s ring was dropped and a baby cried right on cue during one of the scripture readings).


          how awful! I’d have been horrified….We just went to the courthouse, I dont like being the center of attention…having a wedding would have made me a nervous wreck. I love watching other people get married though, I’ve seen some beautiful ceremonies. 🙂 I get so angry with parents who let their kids get out of control….because it can really make people hate kids…when it’s really the parents to blame. 👿

          Ah…sorry to get off subject…I hope your party goes well. 😀


          I had my cellphone go off at a wedding once, but I had turned off the ringer!!! But I forgot to turn off the alarm… 😳

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