
Why I shouldn't invite my mom to stuff

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      Danny and I have been planning his one year transplant party. We rented a pavilion at a local park and sent out an e-vite to people who’s email address we have. I asked my mom if she could send me my uncles email addy since I don’t have it and she said ok. Well tonight I get home from being out at the ball game and see she has sent out a mass email to all her friends and family members that I don’t even know telling them to come to this party. I’m so mad right now (and its 11pm so I can’t call to complain). I don’t have the money nor do we have the space for all these people she has invited. I have no clue what she was thinking, its not her party and she had no right to invite all these people. Now I’ll have to be the bad guy and tell them they can’t come. UGH!



        Please forgive the rudeness of this question, but did you even invite your mother? I noticed you asked her for your uncle’s e-mail address, but you didn’t say whether you invited her or not. It’s not her place to invite others to YOUR party, by the way. 👿


        purpledragonclaw wrote:

        Please forgive the rudeness of this question, but did you even invite your mother? I noticed you asked her for your uncle’s e-mail address, but you didn’t say whether you invited her or not. It’s not her place to invite others to YOUR party, by the way. 👿

        she was invited because i have to thank the peope who treated me like crap for thier ignorance. Now she has invited her whole clan. sure sucks to be her having to call all those people and say they are not welcome because im not telling my friends and doctors there is no room for them. i know she will say somthing on the lines that i think they are all scum ..i hate that liar she is not welcome to anything i have again ..i made a mistake this time it wont happen again . If you cant tell i am Livid and ready to choke some one


        😯 Trust me, I can tell. And I can’t say I really blame you. This is YOUR party, after all.


        Change the location for the event, don’t tell your Mom, then notify those you invited of the change.

        When Mom and her cronies show up and there is no party, oh well, she can explain. Call her on her cell just as the party is starting and tell her, oh by the way, we moved the party since you decided to take it upon yourself to invite a mess of folks we don’t know and can’t afford to feed. Have a good afternoon.

        Me, evil?…what a thing to say!

        Better yet, write an email to everyone she invited and tell them that due to circumstances beyond your control, the party has been canceled.

        Then have things go as planned, sans your mother.



        Kyrin wrote:

        Change the location for the event, don’t tell your Mom, then notify those you invited of the change.

        When Mom and her cronies show up and there is no party, oh well, she can explain. Call her on her cell just as the party is starting and tell her, oh by the way, we moved the party since you decided to take it upon yourself to invite a mess of folks we don’t know and can’t afford to feed. Have a good afternoon.

        Me, evil?…what a thing to say!

        Better yet, write an email to everyone she invited and tell them that due to circumstances beyond your control, the party has been canceled.

        Then have things go as planned, sans your mother.


        theres no way im gonna change the location it is great and i got it for a steal only 100 bucks for 30 people all day in a nature preserve, all the other places wanted either 100 an hour or 300 and the guest have to pay to get into the park. She will just have to call them and uninvite them. She will probably refuse to and i will write them telling them she is a jerk or she will write and say i said somthing nasty about them .

        But im not changing my location for her . Little does she know that she already lost this fight , i will not walk on egg shells


        More work, just what you needed. 🙄
        How did she even find out about the party, if you only asked fr an e-address?


          Kirin’s solution is the best, but if your location is that awesome, then the task to uninvite them falls to you. That sucks!

          If I may suggest… from now on, do not include your mother in parties. Only have her on her own or in family-only gatherings.

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            Jeez…..I still think you guys should move……far away from her. Come on out to the West Coast.


            copper83 wrote:

            Jeez…..I still think you guys should move……far away from her. Come on out to the West Coast.

            i have been trying to convince PD that for years . I would love to move to Colorado but she swears she wont find work …i guess i need to cut that embilical cord for her


            dragonmedley wrote:

            Kirin’s solution is the best, but if your location is that awesome, then the task to uninvite them falls to you. That sucks!

            If I may suggest… from now on, do not include your mother in parties. Only have her on her own or in family-only gatherings.

            i told PD last night her mother is no longer welcome to anything , no if ands or buts about it . Her mother tryed the same routine at her brothers wedding inviting people who he didnt know or afford to have there as he too had a limit


              I tried keeping a relationship with my mother…who’s very much like purpledoggy’s….I ended up just cutting her off entirely, I havent seen her for 6 1/2 years now. It’s alot better that way for us..but my mother is physically violent as well. I hope things work out ok for you guys…


              Necron99 wrote:

              dragonmedley wrote:

              Kirin’s solution is the best, but if your location is that awesome, then the task to uninvite them falls to you. That sucks!

              If I may suggest… from now on, do not include your mother in parties. Only have her on her own or in family-only gatherings.

              i told PD last night her mother is no longer welcome to anything , no if ands or buts about it . Her mother tryed the same routine at her brothers wedding inviting people who he didnt know or afford to have there as he too had a limit

              So she pulls this with her son too? I hope this works out peacefully.


              Necron99 wrote:

              She will just have to call them and uninvite them. She will probably refuse to and i will write them telling them she is a jerk or she will write and say i said somthing nasty about them .

              Do you actually have a list of everyone she’s invited so that you could actually disinvite them? Like, did you get a copy of the email she sent out, with everyone’s address in the I-don’t-know-how-to-blind-copy-so-now-you’re-on-everyone’s-spam-list line?

              If so, don’t even ask her. Just send out a “Due to circumstances beyond our control, a number of invitations were sent out to an open party function. We wish to inform you that there is no open party function scheduled, and that the sender of the invitation was in error.”

              You then send out emails to a “closed party function” to the people who you do want to show up.

              Whatever happens, though, I hope you have a great day on the day!

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