Why do people do things like this? (a rant)

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    This Friday my store is open from 8am to 3am. At midnight we are selling 16 hand signed guitars from Paul Stanley. If you want one you have to show up at midnight, and hope you were one of the first 16…

    A friend of my mothers (I don’t know how she got my phone#) called me last night and asked me to put one aside for her. Yeah right, I’ll be working from 9 to 4:30 on Friday and Saturday. I’m not going in at midnight to get her a guitar. Plus because I’m still waiting on my new card to come in, I can’t afford the $400.00 for the guitar.

    Why do people assume just because I work at a store that I’d be able to put something aside for them? Or, this is the biggest pet peeve of mine…. “Can I get your discount?” It’s not worth being fired to give someone a small discount. 🙄

    Oh and here’s the kicker…. there are three other stores in K-W selling these guitars! They won’t be open at midnight. She can easily go to one of the other stores at whenever they open.


      Romeodanny wrote:

      This Friday my store is open from 8am to 3am. At midnight we are selling 16 hand signed guitars from Paul Stanley. If you want one you have to show up at midnight, and hope you were one of the first 16…

      A friend of my mothers (I don’t know how she got my phone#) called me last night and asked me to put one aside for her. Yeah right, I’ll be working from 9 to 4:30 on Friday and Saturday. I’m not going in at midnight to get her a guitar. Plus because I’m still waiting on my new card to come in, I can’t afford the $400.00 for the guitar.

      Why do people assume just because I work at a store that I’d be able to put something aside for them? Or, this is the biggest pet peeve of mine…. “Can I get your discount?” It’s not worth being fired to give someone a small discount. 🙄

      Oh and here’s the kicker…. there are three other stores in K-W selling these guitars! They won’t be open at midnight. She can easily go to one of the other stores at whenever they open.She might have got your number and the idea from your mother. Just a thought. Im sure she didnt think she was imposing, but I know it can get annoying having people ask you for favors like that. 🙄


        Some people are clueless, aren’t they? 😕

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        She didn’t get the idea from my mom. Mom wasn’t home last night. I guess it isn’t that hard to find me in a phone book. 😆

        I still have to call this friend back and tell her that I can’t. She’s a great person, don’t get me wrong. I really like her but, it’s annoying to get requests like this. At Christmas its (at least not from her) can you hold the (whatever new system) for me? It’s actually harder for staff to get the limited production items.


          Plus alot of stores will fire you for doing that stuff…its just not worth losing your job over. 😕


          Sorry she put you in such an awkward position. She’s way out of line to ask you to do that! 😡 I’m sure she’d be the first to raise Cain if she were to lose out because a salesperson set something aside for another person. Nope, you’re absolutely right, Romeodanny: this is a No Can Do and the lady can just hie herself over to one of the other stores that’s not open so late and stand in line. None of this making someone else do the dirty work for her, and possibly costing them their job!


            That is so not fair. I’m so glad I got out of retail… 👿

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