Who would be interested in these?

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    Made a new topic since this query is buried in my WIsh List thread and others might not know it’s there.

    Out of curiosity, for those of you interested in the following pieces, how much would you be willing to pay for them? PM me.

    Black Griffin
    Black Mother Unicorn
    Emerald Coiled Dragon with Gold Egg
    Kirin baby
    Kirin Father
    Numbered Wind Wizard peacock
    Mouse Wizard Peacock
    Sea Jewel mermaid
    Roaring Sentinel Gargoyle

    I do NOT have them but might be able to get them. That is a HUGE “might”. If you dont wish to put your price limit here, please PM me. Again, make no mistake, dont get your hopes up. Im just asking. Only PM if youre serious.



      pm’d you… 😆



      PhoenixTears wrote:

      Made a new topic since this query is buried in my WIsh List thread and others might not know it’s there.

      Out of curiosity, for those of you interested in the following pieces, how much would you be willing to pay for them? PM me.

      Black Griffin
      Black Mother Unicorn
      Emerald Coiled Dragon with Gold Egg
      Kirin baby
      Kirin Father
      Numbered Wind Wizard peacock
      Mouse Wizard Peacock
      Sea Jewel mermaid
      Roaring Sentinel Gargoyle

      I do NOT have them but might be able to get them. That is a HUGE “might”. If you dont wish to put your price limit here, please PM me. Again, make no mistake, dont get your hopes up. Im just asking. Only PM if youre serious.


      Hi PT,

      Wow, if you were able to lay hands on a black mother unicorn and male Ki-Rin, I’d pay *bleep–edited* for the unicorn and *bleep–edited again ;)* for the male Ki-rin (I’m really wishing for one of those). You’re naming some good names here! 🙂


      Youve been added to that special list that includes these pieces. If I ever find something out, those that have contacted me will be the first to know before an official thread goes up.

      Just a reminder that this is a very big might so no one kick me if I cant do it. Im trying my best.


      No kicks to you from me. I will kick myself instead because I am a doofus. Apparently I hit Post Reply instead of PM. Okay, still a little green Forum user here . . . . 😳

      Well, no sense in denying it: I am on the lookout for those two figures. It’s a little embarrassing to bellow out in exact numbers just how much I’d give for them–jeez, how gauche–but oh well. 😳 Some people shouldn’t be allowed near complicated electronics . . . slink slink slink.


      I am VERY interested in the black griffin and the father Kirin! I would probably pay about 150 for the father kirin and maybe 100 for the black griffin!


      Ooohhh, I want a black mother unicorn.


      Thanks for the helpful hint, PT! 🙂 Edited the post and I feel much better. Gosh, such a doof . . . one of these days I will get the hang of this newfangled computer stuff. 😛


      OK, you guys that have posted recently have also been added to that list. If any of these pieces come to be, I’ll let you know first.


      oooh black male griffin!! ::flails arms::


      Dracomancer wrote:

      oooh black male griffin!! ::flails arms::

      added you to list for him… again, if I can get him!


        Please don’t forget our conversation about the Emerald Coiled Dragon with Gold Egg.


          I also would like the Emerald Coiled Mother with Gold Egg. My name is on that list too.


          Blackdesertwind wrote:

          Please don’t forget our conversation about the Emerald Coiled Dragon with Gold Egg.

          Nope, I remembered and automatically added your name to that special list since we only just recently had that conversation.

          Emerald- I got your PM so I have you on the list too.

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