
Who should direct The Hobbit? – Peter Jackson May Direct

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    bodine6127 wrote:

    I have been a fan of the trilogies since the early 70s and I think there hasn’t been a bad version of the movies yet.Even SouthPark’s take on it was hilarious. XD May they make a decision soon and get on with it.I want to see the movies 😆

    That’s so funny, I just watched the South Park parody online a few days ago when a member of TheOneRing.net forums linked to it, and I never watch South Park, what are the odds? Brother Theodore’s Gollum from the Rankin/Bass version of The Hobbit really fascinates me; what do you guys think? I’ve also been listening to the 1981 BBC radio broadcast of The Lord of the Rings — it’s superb. It features Ian Holm as Frodo; I’m pretty sure that Peter Jackson cast him as Bilbo in the trilogy because he remembered his fine performance from this broadcast.

    By the way, I posted some hysterical parodies of the Rings films in my “Fanfiction!” topic under “General Writing Discussion” if you’re interested. 🙂


      Zephyr wrote:

      I’ve also been listening to the 1981 BBC radio broadcast of The Lord of the Rings — it’s superb.

      Yes it is! My father recorded it on reel-to-reel back when NPR (I’m guessing) aired it originally. Part of an episode remained after he recorded over it with the Star Wars radio broadcast. I discovered it when I was making my own copy of SW on cassette tapes. I always remembered it and then when I was old enough and had some disposable income I bought the boxed sets (LotR and SW) on CD. Love them both, but I know that they missed a special episode (“the making of”) in the SW boxed set because my dad still has it. I just wish they could have gotten Mark Hamill back for Luke and Billy Dee Williams back for Lando. Their replacements were okay, but it wasn’t the same.


      pegasi1978 wrote:

      Yes it is! My father recorded it on reel-to-reel back when NPR (I’m guessing) aired it originally. Part of an episode remained after he recorded over it with the Star Wars radio broadcast. I discovered it when I was making my own copy of SW on cassette tapes. I always remembered it and then when I was old enough and had some disposable income I bought the boxed sets (LotR and SW) on CD. Love them both, but I know that they missed a special episode (“the making of”) in the SW boxed set because my dad still has it. I just wish they could have gotten Mark Hamill back for Luke and Billy Dee Williams back for Lando. Their replacements were okay, but it wasn’t the same.

      That’s so cool! I’m been listening to it on YouTube, now I know that’s wrong, but I’ll have to save up in order to buy it. I’ve been short on cash due to some birthday spending and also the recent vet bills for my cat.

      I don’t particularly care for Peter Woodthorpe’s voice characterization of Gollum though. I think he makes an acceptable Sméagol, but I much prefer the way Andy Serkis and Brother Theodore perform Gollum.

      Here the face some Star Wars fans make when they see a ringer —->

      XD XD XD


      From The Hollywood Reporter:


      July 13, 2010
      Peter Jackson meeting with ‘Hobbit’ actors (exclusive)
      By Borys Kit and Matthew Belloni

      “The Hobbit” still has not been officially greenlighted, but director Peter Jackson is in Los Angeles this week quietly meeting with actors. The casting trip, which also included stops in New York and the U.K., underscores the progress being made on a complex series of deals to bring J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy novel to the big screen.

      Sources say Jackson’s pact with Warner Bros. to direct the two-part “Hobbit” adaptation is close to done, but the sticking point continues to be the dire financial situation at MGM, which holds half the rights to the property.

      Warners, which is acting as the lead studio on the co-production, is furiously negotiating with MGM, which is being steered by a committee of creditors and financial stakeholders. Even if Warners wanted to fund the
      films itself, that would require a sign-off from the somewhat rudderless MGM.

      Jackson, who has been in L.A. since Saturday, is working with casting director Victoria Burrows on assembling what will likely be a large, international cast for the project.

      “The Hobbit” has so far taken a bumpy road to the screen. Director Guillermo del Toro abruptly left the project in May, citing scheduling delays. Peter Jackson, who directed the megahit “Lord of the Rings” trilogy and was to serve as a producer on “Hobbit,” was then recruited to direct the films. But Jackson has expressed his own concerns about timing, privately telling the studios he would not commit to the project unless the films could be fast-tracked and into theaters in 2012 and 2013.

      Jackson’s directing deal has not been signed but it is close, and he is proceeding like he’s going to make the films. But the fate of “The Hobbit” remains very much uncertain.

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