
Who loves StarWars

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    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    I loved the original trilogy. Just picked up the Special Edition version. The new trilogy underwhelmed me, unfortunately. The cartoon series didn’t do anything for me either. Then I discovered “Lord of the Rings” and barely watch “Star Wars” anymore! 😆

    Yep. That’s pretty much where I’m at too. My sister and I used to sit up and watch the original three Star Wars each New Years eve. Now we watch LOTR’s 😆



      Just got fininshed with a marathon viewing compliments of the boys & papa. 😯 Seriously, I think I’ve seen it too many times, ’cause now I pick ’em apart so much I’m suprised the dvds aren’t shredded…..




      The very first film came out when I was still too young to go to the movies by myself. My parents are completely immune to the charms of science fiction, so they never even considered taking us kids. However . . . Dad bought the LP, and played it frequently. So I knew the music from way back. Our family’s favorite track was the cantina theme. Later on I got the novelizations of all three films, and read them several times over.

      I didn’t see any of the films until I was in high school. A friend of mine was horrified by this gap in my education and promptly dragged me over for an all-night movie marathon. *guh–I don’t do late nights well* Let’s just say it was really wild to see the visuals that went with the music and storyline that I already knew so well! 😛

      I hate to say it, but the second trio of films lacked the spirit of the first three. It’s as if having to work on a smaller budget and “make do” was better for Lucas’s final product. The storyline seemed a lot stronger in the earlier films.


      Well, I’m not such a fan of the movies and characters, but I do love the creatures. I even wish a book was released in some sort of encyclopedia about all the fauna of Star Wars.


      Romeodanny wrote:

      The original trillogy…. I loved them. I had the original toys too. And the trading cards….

      I didn’t mind the next movie… but, I still love the original the best. I remember seeing it at the drive in. It was great. When we moved in to the “new house” when I was 4, my bedroom had starwars wallpaper. I loved it. Unfortunatly my parents didn’t. They changed it to this little boy and girl old fashioned Holly Hobby type wallpaper. I hated that wallpaper…..

      Ummm, ew!

      Why’d they go and do that?!

      I’m way to tomboyish to have had Holly Hobby anything.

      I <3 dirt. 😎



      khat7 wrote:

      purpledragonclaw wrote:

      I loved the original trilogy. Just picked up the Special Edition version. The new trilogy underwhelmed me, unfortunately. The cartoon series didn’t do anything for me either. Then I discovered “Lord of the Rings” and barely watch “Star Wars” anymore! 😆

      Yep. That’s pretty much where I’m at too. My sister and I used to sit up and watch the original three Star Wars each New Years eve. Now we watch LOTR’s😆


      Trying to watch the entire LOTR’s trilogy is some VERY serious popcorn time! 😀

      ~Hoofer again


      Necron99 wrote:

      Why so pissy about it ,the plot is The Sith have kidnapped Jabba The Hutts son and try to blame it on the Jedi so the Jedi Coucil makes a pact with Jabba to save his son….. Who gives two giant frog turds about Jabbas son , Jabba was cool but 3rd rate by charactor standards ,

      Sounds Lame-O.

      Though now I’m kind of curious what a young Jabba would look like. 😉

      I personally have no desire to continue the journey anymore. My vote is for the original trilogy and I’m on the fence about the second trilogy.

      I still don’t know why I torture myself with all the modern Godzilla movies. I adore the voice overs being out of sync! As a child, I just figured something was wrong with the hellavision. 😎

      ~Hoofer, yet again 😎


      Bowhead Whale wrote:

      Well, I’m not such a fan of the movies and characters, but I do love the creatures. I even wish a book was released in some sort of encyclopedia about all the fauna of Star Wars.

      here ya go ,this is only one of the field guides i believe there are 4 all together


      Jeee! Thanks, Necron! 😀


        I loved 4,5, and 6. But 1,2, and 3 were not as enticing and sort of fell flat. I liked 1 the best of them, except for JarJar Binks (hate him).

        I don’t know about the cartoon. Not so into that.


        I actually want to read the books sometime. I liked 4, 5, and 6 and want to see how close they got to the book. At least I’m pretty sure the book came first. My dad’s a sci-fi person and says he read the books before the movie came out, which is why they started with 4. :shrug: Could be wrong though.


          Sorry, nope. The movies were first. The books were written off the screenplays of the movies, so they’re pretty exact. I think 4 may have been more in-depth (because Lucas wrote the book too and shared some of the more in-depth aspects that he had in his head), but it’s still pretty close to the movie.


          Star Wars is BIG in our house. My hubby loves them and Noah is head over heels too. I liked the originals, but I liked the new ones too. The story line are so-so, but I thought the special effects and sound were great…..My favorite scene is Yoda fighting Count Dukoo(or Count Cookoo as Noah used to call him)

          hee hee, Noah still calls 3PO – C3PP0, makes me laugh everytime… 😆


          Hoofer wrote:

          Romeodanny wrote:

          The original trillogy…. I loved them. I had the original toys too. And the trading cards….

          I didn’t mind the next movie… but, I still love the original the best. I remember seeing it at the drive in. It was great. When we moved in to the “new house” when I was 4, my bedroom had starwars wallpaper. I loved it. Unfortunatly my parents didn’t. They changed it to this little boy and girl old fashioned Holly Hobby type wallpaper. I hated that wallpaper…..

          Ummm, ew!

          Why’d they go and do that?!

          I’m way to tomboyish to have had Holly Hobby anything.

          I <3 dirt. 😎


          I was a tomboy too. I stopped being a tomboy when I hit puberty. Only because suddenly I wasn’t one of the boys anymore and they didn’t want to hang with me anymore. (I peeled that paper off my walls for a few years before Mom finally changed it. The new stuff wasn’t much better though.)


          Dragon87 wrote:

          I actually want to read the books sometime. I liked 4, 5, and 6 and want to see how close they got to the book. At least I’m pretty sure the book came first. My dad’s a sci-fi person and says he read the books before the movie came out, which is why they started with 4. :shrug: Could be wrong though.

          if you want to read a good SW book then check out Shadows of the Empire. It was written in the mid 90’s and ties together the events btween Empire and Jedi . Its really well written and puts some loose ends together like how Leia got her Bosch suit and how Luke got a new sword with no other Jedi around

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