Who has glass cases? Where'd you get them?

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      This is purely dreaming on my part right now, but I’ve noticed/heard several of you mention that you have beautiful glass (or glass-fronted) display cases for your collections, and I was curious about where you got them (or had them made?), and how much they cost.

      I’m flat broke right now and for the foreseeable future, but my collection has grown quite a bit over the last few years, and (:::crosses fingers:::) hopefully by next year I’ll have a real job, with the things that come along with that — like my own place and all of my belongings in it! (It’d be SO nice to have all my things — dragons, clothes, toys, BOOKS — in the same state at last!) πŸ™‚ And the other thing that comes with “a real job” is “disposable income”… so I’d like to start planning!

      I have an almost-complete family of Whites, a complete trio of Orientals, and about seven Lap Dragons… what size/dimensions do you guys use for your cases/with each sculpt or grouping? How expensive were they, and what do you like/want to improve about them?

      Thanks, everyone! I love this community. πŸ™‚ (Also: if you have pictures, feel free to post them!)

      Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


        Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


          I have a china hutch. The original I bought used to $75 and the one I’m using now belonged to my grandmother, then my mother, now me.


            Well, I don’t have a curio or hutch myself, but my local Salvation Army has two beautiful ones for ~$200 (so if I was getting one that’s where I’d go). So keep an eye out at your local thrift shops if you don’t mind second hand. Might need a little TLC but hardwood refinishes nicely πŸ™‚


              My glass case is from Ikea – Gustolfr or something like that. 😈

              It’s on the smaller side. I checked for the weight and it can hold emperors, though I only put one on a glass shelf (the other one goes on the bottom or top wooden shelf). Each glass shelf only has 2 pieces on each. I wouldn’t cram a bunch on there, but I like to display only a few on each shelf anyway. I’d definitely get another one if I needed it.

              It slows down the dust a bit, but not altogether!

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              I’m getting one, my Grandma had 2 beautiful curio cabinets, I asked my Aunt if I could take one. So soon enough I’ll have a wood/glass curio for my Windstones. It’s a good thing, because I’d never be able to afford a new one either!

              *sigh* The great thing about the collection is, though, that despite the fact you may not be able to acquire more when you want to, you can sit back and thoroughly enjoy the ones you DO have. Melody’s work is so exquisite that you never get bored looking at them and enjoying the shiny, colorful details! πŸ˜€


              I picked up a great case when the local Hallmark shop closed down. The competition for the cases was unbelievable: you had to get there right away and all but sit on the case you wanted. We bought two more (much less nice) when another shop moved to a smaller storefront. Keep an eye out for Hallmark, curio, New Age, or jewelry shops that are going out of business or moving; sooner or later you’ll find one with what you need. Just be cautious and make sure you can actually transport what you buy! We had a narrow squeak with ours, and it was a good thing we didn’t have to drive very far. I had to pass on another beautiful case because there was just no way to get it home without renting a hitch and trailer, and we didn’t have the time to carry it off.

              Sometimes you can find a local cabinetmaker who will build custom cases. I have also had decent luck at Ikea, although the ones I found are definitely limited on weight tolerance per shelf. Still, they look nice and they weren’t too hard to build. Another option for single pieces is to go over to Michael’s and look at their little display boxes for basketballs, baseballs, etc. An Old Warrior fits (with a little turning and fiddling) into a basketball case; a Lap fits perfectly in a football case; a Coiled Mother or griffin chick in the baseball case. They look really nice in them, and boy does it keep the dust off! Gotta love that! πŸ˜€


                I spent about an hour or more looking for this website I was going to order one from but i cant find it anymore πŸ™„ it had the best deal on this one fairly large cabinet with free shipping and now i can only find it for about 800 from other websites….grrr it even had awesome bedroom sets and everything, darn it. Oh well, ill have to keep searching.
                I did buy a smaller case though for about 200 online and had it shipped for free, there are some deals online if you are willing to spend a bit on a case.


                  I bought my 3 new ones at a store that was going out of business. They are big solid glass, with a mirrored bottom and a locking door. I paid $900 for all three of them but originally they were $3000 a case. You can get great value if you watch for that sort of thing. πŸ™‚

                  Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                  Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                  Sun Dragon Koi #3


                  I bought my two off craigslist- paid $75 delivered for one and $65 for the other. However one having glass shelves it can’t hold weight like the one with the wood shelves does. The craigslist here anyhow has lots of curios and hutches for sale from $50-150.


                  I got my first one from an antique dealer that was retiring in a town close by and paid a friend and his friend to haul it here and put wheels on it. It cost about 200 to the dealer and another 100 to get it here and wheel it. It has lights and mirrors and locks on it. It’s 6′ long and about 3′ deep. I also bought a smaller one with lights and mirrors and a lock, and it was mounted on the wall above the first one. Both have glass shelves of 3/4″ glass, not tempered. That last one cost about 100.
                  When I ran out out of room, I hired an out-of-work cabinet maker to build another one on top of the first one so it is now one large case also with lights, mirrors, and a lock, and glass shelves 3/4″ thick. That gave me a total of 4 shelves, because I took the shelves out of the bottom one to put the SK’s in because it holds the weight being wooden. This cabinet looks really good and is bolted to the wall for stability. I moved the smaller one across from the big one.The new handbuilt one cost about 1500. Then I ran out of room again, so I hired another out-of-work cabinet maker to build me another one under the small one. It cost about 1000. So then I had one really big one, a small one, and a medium one.
                  In the meantime, a friend found another cabinet also with lights, mirrors, lock, and wheels on craigslist for 50 which I snapped up and the seller delivered it. It’s in great condition,(the seller used it to keep his Starwars collection in it and was moving out of state) It also has glass shelves in it and a mirrored bottom. So now I had 4 cabinets. Then I was running out of room again, and a forum member mentioned a collectible shop going out of business in a town about 4 hours away. I drove down there and I was stunned at the cabinets! They were retiring and they were selling about 30 cabinets, almost all had wheels, all were lighted and locked, almost all were glass shelved. Some were huge, some were small, most were tall. They had famous names like Hallmark, Lalique, even CocaCola, the miniature houses, jewelry, dolls, animal figurines, etc. So I bought 3 cabinets, two larger ones and one slightly smaller one, a Howard Miller which has a dark wooden frame, four glass shelves, and a beautiful carved top. The seller had four of them, all the same. Because I was buying 3, they gave me a better price, 800 each. I also had to get my granddaughter and 2 of her friends and her truck to drive 8 hours round trip and gas to get them here and unload them. Then I decided 2 weeks later to buy the other three Howard Miller cabinets at an even better price of 700 each. ( They are selling originally for 1600) I also had to hire 2 college students who had a truck to go down there with me and load them up and drive them back because my granddaughter wasn’t available and I had to get them before the store closed. (They were also selling all their stuff at 70-90% off! So I got some other stuff too!)
                  So, I am up to ten cabinets and finally I have enough space for quite a while, and no more room for any more cabinets. I am still rearranging Windstones. I have one shelf with other things, like my small Swarovski crystal collection, tiny rock dragon and pegasus collection, and some jade pieces. The shelves are all 3/4″ glass and will be strong enough to hold whatever I decide to put on them if the weight is distributed evenly and there aren’t huge really heavy pieces. I have 13 mother dragons on two shelves with no problems. 13 sun orientals on one shelf, 20 laps on two shelves, 4 SK’s on one bottom shelf, and lots of others spread out on the other shelves. One shelf has thirteen hatchings and thirteen matching youngs, another shelf has 6 coils and 24 curlies, and one shelf has nine fledges, a pair of dragon bookends, 4 orientals, and 6 baby orientals, and one shelf has 23 males. Other shelves have 6 large wizards, 2 windwizards, 5 small wizards and the woodlore wizard. and also pegasuses and unicorns. The many cats, flapcats and miniature, purring and candleholders, the only Windstone tiger cub in existence, the bobcat, wolf sculptures, and other animal sculptures like the duck, armadillo, mother bear, Galapagos turtle, box turtle, many owls, are on the other shelves and 4 sconces, the leaf cat, lion’s head, wolf head and large owl are mounted on the walll. One shelf has 2 mothers, 5 male and 5 griffin chicks, and another shelf has 2 mothers, 2 males and 3 original baby ki-rins and 6 test paint baby ki-rins. There is also a wizard’s retreat and a stone cottage and 3 castles, among other stuff. All of these are in my office, not at home. Including prints, I think there are over 350, maybe 360.
                  I would post pictures but I haven’t learned how to do that. I tried 2 years ago and they were awful. I tried again last year and they were so bad that Jennifer had to close down the thread!! So I’m trying to get them in better order and try again, I hope by early next year. I envy all of you who take pictures so well and easily!!!! and post them so fast!! I’m a dinosaur and slow as evolution at learning computer stuff. I haven’t given up trying to learn this stuff that youall take for granted!!
                  Anyway, that’s it on my experiences with display cabinets. I decided to get the first one when I had a family of old greens in a box in the storage room. Then I thought why have them if they are only in a box where no one can see them? After I bought the first cabinet, I went to look for them and couldn’t find them. Then I decided I would never hide the Windstones ever again, they are meant to be displayed and enjoyed and protected from dust and chips and damage. It took me 2 years to find them!!! (The box was mislabeled!)
                  I recommend looking at businesses that are going out of business and that might have display cases as well as thrift shops, curio shops, collectible shops, and cabinet shops. I feel very fortunate to have found the ones I have that are so well suited to display Windstones!! They are so well worth the time, trouble, and expense!!!


                  I tried to put paragraphs in my last post, but the machine wouldn’t print them that way. So sorry!!!


                    Most of my Windstones are either sitting on my desk in my home office, on my night stand/dresser/chest of drawers in my room, or on those cheap book cases you can get from Walmart or Target for $30. They are 5 shelves tall, stupidly heavy for the size box they come in, much assembly required (but I like putting stuff together : )) and each shelf holds about 33 lbs-or 3 Windstones. One shelf in the middle holds about 75lbs so Ive got 3 OWs on there πŸ™‚ If you wedge an old magazine or scraps of cardboard underneath the front to give it a slight lean towards the wall, they are pretty sturdy. I always set something heavy but unbreakable on it over night to test it out.

                    I also have a totally glass shelf from IKEA (Detolf or something?) which I got on sale for maybe $30-$50. I have no clue what the weight limit on the glass shelves are, so I only have 1 big Windstone per shelf and some smaller ones like curlies or small flap cats. I’ve got my favorite Emerald Riser on a shelf, so they hold at least 15lbs!
                    But I’m like you, I dont have my own place yet-or a steady paycheck so I don’t have space for really nice display cases, much less the funds to get them. I did find also (although its not currently holding Windstones, it will!) a 4′ wooden display cabinet with glass shelves at Garden Ridge. It was regularly $100, marked down to $50. But when I checked out, since it was the last one in the store, it didn’t have a bar code…and when the clerk entered in the bar code number written inside, it rang up $7.00 πŸ˜† πŸ˜€ So they laughed about it, shrugged and sold it to me for $7 πŸ™‚ It has a light inside it too! And a mirrored back.


                    Most of my Windstones are on bookcases and one entertainment center.
                    My bookcases are all Sauder assembly furniture. I LOVE SAUDER! It is one of the best assembly furniture companies IMO. They are much heavier than the Walmart shelves. I plan to attach glass doors to the front of them eventually. The shelves themselves are a fraction over 1 inch thick, but for comparison, I have 2 OW’s 3 Laps, a Kinglet, and 4 curlies on one shelf alone. The bookcases are 5 shelf, 7ft tall, and 36 inches wide, and the shelves do NOT bow under the weight. (I still out of habit flip them about every 6 months while I am dusting that time around) You can get them at Staples. It is I think $130 for the 5 shelf and $99 for the 3 shelf. I have one 3 shelf and 2, 5 shelfs. The entertainment center is another story. I’ve had that for about 12 years. It has been moved 3 times and is still holding together and looks pretty darn good for going through 4 kittens, 3 puppies, 1 infant, and many young kids (Sauder too ofcourse! Also my old hutch desk was Sauder). πŸ™‚ I honestly wouldn’t buy anything but Sauder products as far as assembly furniture goes. I’d love to have glass curios, but I think I can pretty much make my own out of my bookcases. I’m pretty handy. πŸ˜€


                      I got mine all from Michaels, they have a lot of 50% off sales on them so I always grab them during those so they’re like $25 bucks each. They’re really nice & fit Windstones great I think! I used the basketball one for Old Warriors and the Football one for Lap dragons. They have baseball ones too that fit perfect for most of the small Windstones. Curlies, Griffin chicks, coiled mothers, etc. πŸ™‚

                      Got a busted Windstone?
                      *OPEN for repairs*

                      *SEEKING GRAILS*
                      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                      Siphlophis Male Dragon
                      Calypso Hatching Empress
                      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                      Tattoo Mother Kirin
                      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons

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