Anyone particularly good at drawing wolves?
I am planning a surprise for hubby. I want to get his boat custom painted with a pack of running wolves ghosted on it. I suck at wolves. Give me cats anyday.
If anyone wants to take on a quick project, contact me and let me know.
All I need is a rough sketch of 4-6 wolves running with two or three trees in the background and maybe the moon.
The important parts of the sketch will be the faces of the wolves need to be nice. I really like Carl Brenders style faces. The pack needs to be spread out a bit. The boat is 21 feet, so keep that in mind. I was thinking one in front, two next, then stagger 2-3 behind.
I would like the wolves to be running in a relaxed manner, not full out running and they need to be in different gates. I tend to draw them all in the same pose.
I’m not sure how to work out a commision. How do commisioners usually pick who gets the project?
I was thinking $50-75 would be a good price for a good sketch? Let me know if I’m way off base though.
Keep in mind the sketch will go to the airbrusher so he can reproduce it onto the boat. So the picture may be used more than once!