
White Mother Dragon to sell

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        I have a White Mother Dragon that I’d like to sell. She’s really pretty, and I sort of want to keep her, but the hubby would kill me if I kept another Mother Dragon, so here she is.

        I’m looking for about $175 for her. I know it’s a bit steep, so I’ll take other reasonable offers, or I’ll trade her outright for a Male Kirin. Oh, I should say that I don’t see anything wrong with her, but she doesn’t have an original box or a hang tag.



          I also still have a White Young Dragon I’d like to get $100 for, or trade outright for a Gothic Unicorn (not the Unicorn Gargoyle).

          He is also mint with neither original box nor hang tag.


            Still waiting for my ruby momma to get here and I need to get the momma BG coiled. 😉 OR I’d jump on those! They are very pretty!!! 🙂


              *crosses fingers* besides for the BG coiled momma which I am still going after on the 26th… IF I come across any extra money (I am trying to sale some extra furniture that I have NO room for and its in a not so great garage and winter is coming) and don’t “need” it, I’ll try for that white momma…. the white momma is up in the air and if someone else wants it then go ahead and sale it but if I can do it, I’ll take it. I’ll keep you informed!!! 😀


                Bump… both are still available.

                I was going to have an Emerald Oriental Sun Dragon, but it broke during shipping, and the seller wants to claim insurance through the post office for it.


                emerald212 wrote:

                Bump… both are still available.

                I was going to have an Emerald Oriental Sun Dragon, but it broke during shipping, and the seller wants to claim insurance through the post office for it.

                Oh, ouch 🙁 That’s too bad. The orientals in emerald are just gorgeous. Well… actually so is everything in emerald… but the orientals especially.


                  😥 That sux, Em. It’s always a shame when we lose another one…


                    Yeah. It’s just the paw and I’m sure I could fix it to almost good as new, but the seller insists that the post office covers it.

                    Of course, I probably would too, in her situation. 😕


                      Well, I’ve decided to keep the Emerald Sun Dragon. I hate the very thought of having the post office take it when it’s not that bad of a break, and I think I can fix it.

                      I’ll just have to not get any sort of refund from the seller, but it was a pretty good price anyway since it was a hidden auction and no one else bid on it. I think I got something from this seller before and it broke too, so I don’t think I’ll buy from her again. It’s nice to get a good deal, but it sucks when they get broken. 👿


                        You’ll have to show us some before and after pictures. I’m glad you got it for a good enough price that you can keep it and fix it up. 😀


                          I’m glad you got the piece though. It’s terrible he didn’t get there safely let us know how the repair process goes.


                            lamortefille wrote:

                            You’ll have to show us some before and after pictures. I’m glad you got it for a good enough price that you can keep it and fix it up. 😀

                            I’ll do that. 😀

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