White and Silver OW's

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    I’m thinking I’m going to be selling my two ows. I needs the money and I already have an emerald ow so cutting down my collection some more seems like a good idea. I’ve gotten rid of most of my whites, so he doesn’t match anything anymore, and the silver never grew on me.

    I’ll be putting them on eBay to get the most I can. If there’s a forum member who doesn’t use eBay but wants either ow, I will take your highest offer and make that my minimum, so if it doesn’t sell on eBay, I’ll sell it to you here for your offer.

    It might be a week before I put them on eBay, I’ll be working a lot of night shifts this coming week and a wedding next week…this month has been just stupid and insane, one thing after another.

    Anyway, PM or email me (leigha_tharp at yahoo dot com)

    Both are mint, I can’t find the box for the white guy though, so no box for him. White has his COA though and he’s signed.

    Both will be double boxed, and I will ship internationally.

    pics soon, contact me with questions/comments/concerns



      Life is beautiful.


        PM’D YOU


        Replied to everyone’s PM’s so far, if you haven’t gotten a response from me, try email 🙂


        Okay, I can’t edit my first post? That’s annoying…

        Edited here to add to the top information: Thank you to everyone who has offered so far, I wanted to add a bit more information here that I seem to have forgotten in the first post. I’m not looking to sell the White OW at very much less than what the previous White OW on eBay went for. His minimum on ebay will probably be around 800. I’m not looking to simply get him out of my collection. I hope that gives a better indication of price range, since I’ve had a lot of inquiry on that score.

        White Ow






        Where he’s sitting right now


        not as many pictures of the silver guy, will get more if someone’s interested



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