Where is the next bvp old warrior?

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        Your killing me, when are you gonna list him?!


        Purpledoggy, your frenzy is amusing. 😆


          I wasn’t able to snipe the first one listed since I was at the hospital getting my husband. I was sure the second one would be up so I could bid on it but I come home and its not there. I think I’m gonna cry 😥


          Don’t worry, you will have at least 6-7 days for when it ends if they put it up today. At least your hubby is home know. 😀


          You’ve got 14 more to choose from, purpledoggy. 😉


            But I want one now /poutlikeakid


            Me too. But I can wait. 😛


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Me too. But I can wait. 😛

            Isn’t that a bit contradictory?
            I’m waiting patiently for #7. Seems like a lucky number, and will match my BEP #7.


              OMG will you please list the next bvp ow today /puppydogeyes! What do I have to bribe you with?


              Jvargas0667 wrote:

              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Me too. But I can wait. 😛

              Isn’t that a bit contradictory?
              I’m waiting patiently for #7. Seems like a lucky number, and will match my BEP #7.

              I just want the cheapest one. I’m trying to get all different numbers of limited and special editions, so that some day in the far future I can line them up from 1 to 24 and each will be different. Besides, it’s easier than trying for the same number all the time.
              So for the BVP OWs, the only one I’m not after is #4. (My #4 is the IVEP Riser.)


                I just want one. Any one.


                Er, I’m sorry guys but-what are you talking about? Hehe, is there a new color comming out? Can I see it somewhere? 😳


                I just wish I could afford one. (It would take a minor miracle. 😆 )

                Oh and here is what we’re talking about.


                Oh…I see. So only 16 of that piece will ever exist? Wow…I didn’t realize there were pieces like that. He’s amazing 😀

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