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  • #569636

    mimitrek wrote:

    dragonessjade wrote:

    mimitrek wrote:

    What everyone else said! This forum is a really nice place to be. I also haven’t been able to get on much lately…work has been really busy. πŸ™

    Dragoness, sorry to hear that you’re in pain. Did you hurt yourself?
    Yeah, I did hurt myself. My shoulders have been bothering me and I dropped a box on my foot. πŸ˜•

    dragonessjade wrote:

    But thank you for the concern, it makes me feel better. πŸ™‚

    I hope your shoulders and your foot are better now. πŸ™‚
    Thanks. I had my co-worker give me a massage cause she is also a massage therapist. She said that they were really tight and she gave me some tiger balm. There were feeling better, but now they are tight again. I think it is stress. My foot is almost back to normal.


    dragonessjade wrote:

    I had my co-worker give me a massage cause she is also a massage therapist. She said that they were really tight and she gave me some tiger balm. There were feeling better, but now they are tight again. I think it is stress.

    I bet you’re right. I feel pretty tense right now, and I know its because I got kind of stressed today dealing with some uncooperative people.

    dragonessjade wrote:

    My foot is almost back to normal.

    That’s good! πŸ˜€

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