What's Wrong With My Gargoyle?

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      I just purchased this gargoyle and he’s discolored in places. I’m guessing he sat in the sun and got sunburnt? What do ya’ll think?


      I’m a bit disappointed he looks that way (plus he smells of cigarette smoke something terrible). The seller didn’t mention the discoloration, but they also didn’t say it was mint either so I guess I’ll have to deal with it. I couldn’t see this issue in the pictures from the seller. On the plus side, he’s not chipped or cracked anywhere and the felt pad in in decent condition. I might consider fixing him myself (or commission someone to fix him because I have no idea how to do it.) I’m not sure about the paint if I was to fix him myself. Can somebody recommend specific paint brands and colors?


        I just purchased this gargoyle and he’s discolored in places. I’m guessing he sat in the sun and got sunburnt? What do ya’ll think?


        I’m a bit disappointed he looks that way (plus he smells of cigarette smoke something terrible). The seller didn’t mention the discoloration, but they also didn’t say it was mint either so I guess I’ll have to deal with it. I couldn’t see this issue in the pictures from the seller. On the plus side, he’s not chipped or cracked anywhere and the felt pad in in decent condition. I might consider fixing him myself (or commission someone to fix him because I have no idea how to do it.) I’m not sure about the paint if I was to fix him myself. Can somebody recommend specific paint brands and colors?

        It actually looks like he is discolored from tobacco smoke build up (which makes sense if he also smells of smoke).

        Gently wiping him with a very very slightly damp cloth might help some.


          I’ve seen pieces with tobacco residue and it is brown (that’s what goes into your lungs! ick!). Perhaps this gargoyle guarded an ash tray. We do not know of any good way to remove tobacco residue, if you come up with one that doesn’t also remove the painted acrylic finish, please let us know!


            I agree with the others, just give him a wipe with a soft cloth dampened with warm water. Be sure to scrub out all the little details.

            I bought a male pegasus from a smoker. He was a dull yellowish cream color when I got him, but he turned right back to bright ivory white after a gentle cleaning. The difference was quite dramatic. I hope it works out the same for your gargoyle. 🙂


              I have used dawn dish liquid and a soft bristled toothbrush to clean Windstones like that. Not much water at all, just the soap and a SOFT toothbrush. Then, use a warm wet cloth and GENTLY wipe the sculpt clean. Worked great on my white dragons that were bacially yellow with smoker stains. Then I put them in a box with some dryer sheets for a few days to get the smell out of the felt pads.

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              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                Well I gave it a shot with a damp cloth. He didn’t come clean. Nothing came off. Whatever it is, it’s permanent so i guess I’ll work on getting rid of that smoke smell. 🙁 The brown spots are smooth and glossy compared to the rest of the normal areas of the sculpt.


                  Please note that WINDSTONE does not recommend scrubbing our figurines with anything or the use of any cleaning agent other than dusting with a soft paint brush or for severe cases of dust, a quick rinse with water followed by patting dry with a soft towel. The clear acrylic coat that seals the acrylic paint underneath is very thin and can easily be worn away. Do not use a damp cloth to routinely clean your figurines and if you use something like dish detergent to clean them it is at your own risk.

                  I am delighted to hear that tobacco residue has been successfully removed! We’ve seen some pieces that had a very thick coating. Just keep in mind that the finish is delicate and easily damaged.


                    There’s also the possibility that this particular gargoyle was born this color!


                      There’s also the possibility that this particular gargoyle was born this color!

                      Might be best I leave him alone then if that’s the case. 🙂 Really don’t want to try to “fix” him. Pretty sure I’d mess up.


                        Oh I’m sure Windstone wouldn’t recommend to clean it they way I did, but it worked awesome for me. It wasn’t a gargoyle, but several white dragons and they came out pristine after their little baths, but it was a last ditch effort on my part and I was afraid at the time of ruining the risk of ruining them. I lucked out I guess.

                        Got a busted Windstone?
                        *OPEN for repairs*

                        *SEEKING GRAILS*
                        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                        Siphlophis Male Dragon
                        Calypso Hatching Empress
                        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                        Tattoo Mother Kirin
                        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                          Mild soap and a water rinse shouldn’t hurt the paint, but we still will not recommend it as there may be other factors, such as prolonged exposure to moisture that has caused damage under the paint. If the paint looks cloudy it may be a sign of that sort of damage and cleaning could remove the paint.

                          It is probably better to just rinse off heavy dust than to rub the finish, but a real hazard is hitting the sink faucet or the sink and chipping the piece. The best place to rinse one may be the front yard with a hose. But you are going to get the felt pad wet and it could stain with water marks, which are really dirt that gets pushed ahead of the water as it soaks in. At that point, as with any fabric, it may be best to drench the whole pad rather than get it partly wet, and quickly dry it with pressure and a towel.


                            It is also possible that the gargoyle was painted that way, if it is a very old gargoyle. When we first started making these, they were supposed to look like stone, with random streaks of color running through them.


                              The other day I opened up a box containing a very old Roaring Sentinel from 1997, and the colors are exactly like yours. The brown is even in the same places. It had been sealed in its original box and was never owned by anyone except us.


                                The other day I opened up a box containing a very old Roaring Sentinel from 1997, and the colors are exactly like yours. The brown is even in the same places. It had been sealed in its original box and was never owned by anyone except us.

                                Hey, cool and good to know! 🙂 He’s “vintage” then. Now I can appreciate the coloring knowing it’s suppose to be that way. That’s a relief. 😉

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