
What's replacing ruby???

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      starbreeze wrote:

      We’ve only seen 2 test paints so far. I borrowed this from GB’s visit to the Windstone factory:

      Minus the lipstick please 😆


      starbreeze wrote:

      We’ve only seen 2 test paints so far. I borrowed this from GB’s visit to the Windstone factory:

      Oh! If that’s Cinnamon, then I absolutely vote for Cinnamon! I love that color scheme.


        Here’s the Scratcher


        I liked Melody’s other brown dragons (too tired to look for the pictures) so a sandy color would be great. Although my favorite is autumn leaf (I know, too complicated for production) and the BEV/BEPs. Blue/silver would be cool.


        I love the cinnamon colour.


          hmm I’d have to buy something in Cinnamon too…


          Me too! If they ever made an SK without the lipstick, I might consider getting a cinnamon SK… 🙂


            mimitrek wrote:

            Me too! If they ever made an SK without the lipstick, I might consider getting a cinnamon SK… 🙂

            pfft…it’s not lipstick…it’s naturally dark….

            like those women that have naturally dark lips…



            frozendragon wrote:

            mimitrek wrote:

            Me too! If they ever made an SK without the lipstick, I might consider getting a cinnamon SK… 🙂

            pfft…it’s not lipstick…it’s naturally dark….

            like those women that have naturally dark lips…

            Eeeeeee…no dark lipped SK’s for me! 😆


              It’s funny, I’ve felt like I was the only one squeaking for copper mauve for so long…

              Yeah! Copper mauve rules!

              Russet/flame would be nice too.

              I dunno about the cinnamon.

              Hey, what about silver?

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              That Secret Keeper is absolutely beautiful; I want a SK so bad. I’d love a set of pink dragons ^^ (another pink fan!) I missed the first batch of pink curlys, but I will get one when the next batch is ready. Since I know pink is out of the question, that beautiful color would be a wonderful next production color.


              Cinnamon would be a neat production color too, but I don’t know how hard it is to paint. Shall we start a poll? Melody always knows best in the end, but we could still see percentages on what we think.


                frozendragon wrote:

                mimitrek wrote:

                Me too! If they ever made an SK without the lipstick, I might consider getting a cinnamon SK… 🙂

                pfft…it’s not lipstick…it’s naturally dark….

                like those women that have naturally dark lips…


                Yeah naturally dark like those women that pencil around their lips…. 😯 Now those scare me! LOL

                I like the cinnamon color though! 😉


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  Cinnamon would be a neat production color too, but I don’t know how hard it is to paint. Shall we start a poll? Melody always knows best in the end, but we could still see percentages on what we think.

                  Sure. What to put on the poll though? Cinnamon, yes. Red flame is not a production option… VF? Its not production yet… Def Copper Mauve if its possible. We know its a resounding NO for pink ( 🙁 ) What else?


                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    I would LOVE to see the Cinnamon or the Russett color on all the dragons. I think either color combo would be VERY stunning on every dragon

                    Ditto! 😀

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