What size gemstone?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone What size gemstone?

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      *blink* o.o

      I use 3mm on the muse. =) Or somewhere between 2 and 3, since the semi-precious rounds you buy off ebay aren’t always an exact cut. >.> That’s also what I stuck in the head of my kirin (but I drilled a hole for it). XD I don’t have any of the others, so I couldn’t say. e.e


      Algy wrote:

      Eleu wrote:


      Were you also looking for a gem size? I know you mentioned the griffin above, but which griffin? I only have the male griffin. The only PYO I have are the griffin, kirin, and the small dragon…so I couldn’t help you there.

      If you have a MM ruler you could use that and look at chatons listed on the sites above.

      I was wondering about the PYO griffin, he has room for something in his tail 😀 Also was hoping we could figure out ALL of them and get a sticky going! 😀

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