What size crystals for PYO Unicorns?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone What size crystals for PYO Unicorns?

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      kitsunelady wrote:

      I had to buy mine in packs of like…a lot! I got them from dreamtimecreations.com, which was the only place I could find them that small, without flat backs. 9.9 I prefer the chatons.

      Or if you want to buy another color, let me know. o_o I’m always looking to add to my stone collection! And would be happy to take some of yours off your hands. 😀

      Well I went to this website today and placed an order. Got some pp03 to 05s crystalized Swarowski elements–pointed backs and some Cabochons 05mm that were on sale. Will know more when I receive them but they do come in packages of a lot!–144 pieces! That’s an awlful lot of pyo Unis–so will let you all know what I think when they get here. 🙂


        Just got my crystals today and man are they small! I mean tiny, tiny, tiny! Great because they’ll look nice on the Uni I just finished but acccck! 😮 I’m going to go blind putting them in! Got some in so see if the glue I used (glass & bead glue) will hold. This glue is suppose to dry clear which is good because there is no way you are able to neatly place these things in without getting them in the glue. I got sizes pp3 to 005 from that website, Dreamtime Creations. They do have all sorts of stuff. They also had a sale and the only item I got that I wasn’t impressed with was the garnets–very dark and hardly any sparkle to them–maybe on a very light piece. I’ll see how these itty bitty things turn out! I didn’t want something big but wanted something to give a little flash of sparkle–these will do it. Thanks Kitsunelady for the website! 😀

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