What size crystals for PYO Unicorns?

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    I saw the post earlier on where to find the crystals, but there was no mention on size to use.

    For the crystals you add down the mane and tail of the PYO unicorns, what size is best? For those who have already done them, what size did you use? I like the smaller ones- not the bigger ones, but I’m not sure if I need 2mm, or 3? Smaller?




      Some of the spots are bigger than others. 6.6 I think I used both 1 and 2 mm on mine…though I’d have to look.


      Yes! And does anyone know of a website that sells them? My usual site didn’t have stones so small… πŸ™


        I use 1mm and 2mm stones. The holes are different sizes, so I have to use both sizes if I want to fill as many of them up as possible.


          Eleu wrote:

          Yes! And does anyone know of a website that sells them? My usual site didn’t have stones so small… πŸ™

          Which site do you usually go to? There’s always Fire Mountain, though I like Rio Grande better… See if you can find a copy of Art Jewelry Magazine; they’ve got a great list of suppliers and so does Lapidary Journal. I’m addicted to Gem Faire even though I have to travel 3 hours to get to the one that comes to Salt Lake City. Gem Faire is fabo ’cause you get to see and touch everything before you buy and the vendors and teachers are all spectacularly wonderful when it comes to sharing their knowledge!

          twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



            I had to buy mine in packs of like…a lot! I got them from dreamtimecreations.com, which was the only place I could find them that small, without flat backs. 9.9 I prefer the chatons.

            They do their sizes in the PP format. In the very small holes, I used pp3 (I had to look up a conversion chart to see what these were in millimeters). In the larger holes, pp14, but even that was almost too big. A couple of them fell out and had to be stuck back in. o_o; I’m not sure I was actually sticking them in holes meant for gems, now, though. XD *bonks herself*

            Anyways, since I had to buy them in quantity, if you want any pp3 in the color (or non-color) “crystal” (which is clear), or pp14 in the colors “copper”, “Indian red”, or “emerald”, let me know. I have a lot. @_@;

            Or if you want to buy another color, let me know. o_o I’m always looking to add to my stone collection! And would be happy to take some of yours off your hands. πŸ˜€


              Nam posted this link previously; scroll to the middle and there is a SS-PP-mm size exchange chart.



              Ooo, thanks for all the info guys! I’m bookmarking things and taking notes-lol. I have been getting my muse stones from Artbeads.com, that’s where I was looking for the stones πŸ˜• But now I see a few places to order them from, but I see you can’t just get a few, you get a ton! O_o


                I don’t know the exact sizes…I have a bunch of loose gemstones in many sizes that I just ‘piece’ into holes that fit for the unicorns…

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                bump for newbies xD cuz I got the search to work for me for once πŸ˜›

                1 and 2mm? any bigger stones??

                what size for the sm dragon’s tail curl?
                the griff’s tail curl?

                Also, to make the hole in a keepers hand go all the way through, should I use my diamond file?



                  here is what i have found with working with mine:

                  the griff tail stone is a 5mm.

                  Uni is 3mm…but some of the spots are iffy. i found one good spot in the tail, the ones in the mane can be done but placing them may be tricky. 2mm MAY fit better in some spots, but it is more that some of those holes are shallow and just do not hold well(unless you improvise some with point objects)Tacky is my friend.

                  the small dragon tail can hold a 5 mm round or square, or an oblong 7x5mm i belive, the forehead holds 3mm

                  keeper tails is 3mm

                  muses 3 mm

                  Keeper Paw Hole Trouble:
                  i have used a small round file..AND i have used a small eyeglass flat head screw driver(persission flat head screwdriver). it works like a chisel. just go very slow, little bit at a time until the hole is all the way through/evenly widened.


                    Didn’t think of a round file *duh-er* 😈 Thanks Koishii πŸ˜€

                    twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                    I just bought 2 huge 1000 pc point back lots for a song and a dance in aquamarine and amethyst on ebay…WIth 1mm on up to 6mm in them (She had rose and jet and sapphire left). πŸ˜€ I also found some really cool cabs on there too. I think I will like the cabs because they are flat back and have a smooth bubble appearance. πŸ˜€


                    does anyone have a pictur of where the stone holes are on the Uni? I see a bunch that -could- hold stones…but I’m asking to make sure <3

                    I went to my local rock shop, and they didn’t have much of a selection :
                    6mm rnd amethyst=$14.00 (I splurged cuz it’s a deep purple)
                    5mm rnd blue topaz=$8.00
                    3mm rnd ganret=$1.50
                    3mm rnd cubic zirconia=.80cents
                    3mm rnd blue topaz=$3.30
                    3mm rnd peridot=$1.25

                    I honestly think i got ripped off 😑

                    theres a rock show coming up at the end of the month…I’ll try looking there…last year I got a lovely pink tourmaline gem for $26 <333


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