What size are they suppose to be?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody What size are they suppose to be?

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        I was just wondering, when you create your dragons and griffins, what size are they suppose to be in ‘real life’? I always invisioned the lap dragon as being the size of a big Maine coon cat, and the Old warrior the size of a draft horse :D. Am I way off 😕 .


        I have wondered that myself. I wold say the old warrior would have to be pretty big beacuse he is old… How big would the SK be? maybe it is true with dragons as griffins that the female is larger


          So they’re exactly the size Melody sculpted them, until you imagien them otherwise. A few years ago when I was younger and only had a few small Windstoners, I wrote a story about how they came to life on Christmas Eve.
          My room would crawling now if that happened – which would be pretty cool. 😆


            Oh, that kinda makes sense now that its explained. (I should really do a search firrst 😳 :oops:). I kinda wondered about the pose they always seem to be in. Kinda like a kitty cat, with pretty scales 😀 .


            Melody confirmed that the male dragon was modeled after a family cat, and the mother dragon after a family dog.

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