What should I do now?

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    First I want to say that I talked to Jennifer about this first and she suggested that I bring it to the forum for input.
    On March 28, Dragonscavern had said she wanted some rainbow pieces and I PM’d her and told her I had a rainbow young and a mother. She said she wanted them both, what else did I have, and I said I had a female ki-rin, that they all were mint, and I also had an emerald lap that had a chip in it that I could sell her for a very good price. She was very excited about the agreement, but was concerned about how much the s/i was going to because the last time she bought 4 pieces, it cost her over $100. I told her I thought I could ship it for much less and I would let her know. So I combined the pieces into 2 boxes very well and safely packaged, took them over to FedEx which is across town, unloaded them, and got the s/i information.
    Now, it was Friday night, raining, I was hungry, expecting company, and she had firmly agreed to buy these dragons and was very excited about getting them, “could hardly WAIT!” So rather than take them back to my office where my computer is and unload them in the rain and email the s/i information and wait for her to paypal the money, then load them back up and go back to FedEx and ship them, I just sent them while I was there. Then I went back to the office and emailed her the s/i information WITHOUT telling her I had already sent the boxes. She had sent me her address and phone # “in case the shipper needed it” She was SO happy about the s/i cost of $25.02 and the total cost of $489.84, “Oooh, you are such a Sweetie” she was going to “get some stuff for dinner” and when she got back she would paypal me the money, I would get it that night, no later than tomorrow morning. That would have been March 29. I never heard from her again.
    I have left 5 PM’s, she has not pick up any of them. She posted the same gold curl she posted here on the forum on ebay so I posted the “ask the seller a question” twice, no response. I posted a request for help in locating her here and got an email for her, emailed her, no response. I telephoned her using the phone # she left me for the shipper, it was a telephone mailbox, left a message, no response. I asked Jennifer for help, she left a PM for her, no response. I checked with FedEx’s tracking # and they confirmed that they had delivered the boxes to her front porch on April 1 at 1PM.
    Then on April 11, I got a PM from her, saying she had never gotten the boxes, that FedEx never knocked on the door or left a tag, that they must have been stolen off her porch, she didn’t know anything about the dragons. I wrote back and said that FedEx confirmed that they had been delivered to the porch at 1Pm and a tag been left, and to please contact me. No response. More PM’s. No response. So on April 18, I sent her a registered letter going over the history of our transactions and her lack of interest in communicating with me and my concluding that I was going to have to move on. On Tuesday, April 22, I got a PM from her. The first part was a ramble about some friend having a problem with FedEx, then ” And what’s the certified letter thing? and you lying in that letter saying that you’ve NOT heard from me and you’ve ALSO called me, I NEVER gave you my phone number, so how could you have called me? Are you NOW stalking me now? I DON”T BELIEVE THIS” … I am GOING to type you this EXACT same letter regarding this…NOTARIZE IT, seand it CERTIFIED MAIL back to you…This way it is a LEGAL binding document… and then you can give it to FedEx and tell them to stick it…All I ASK is that you put the blame where it belongs and it is not AT me” (!!!) So even though I don’t like being called a liar and a stalker, I wrote back a calm PM and I once again said that FedEx had confirm that they had left the boxes on her porch at 1PM on April 1 and had left a tag on her door, that she had indeed given me her phone # when she had given me her address for the shipper, and that I had received only 2 communications including this one in 3 weeks and if she wanted to contact me, please PM me thought the forum. So far, no response.
    I understand that I should not have sent the dragons until they were paid for, and I take full responsibility for that. I also know that I had a full agreement to buy the dragons and she never indicated at any time that she did not want them or had changed her mind. The most frustrating thing is the total lack of communication on her part and refusal to acknowledge any responsibility for any part in this.
    So what do I do now?



    Ouch. Personally I’ve only had good communication with DragonsCavern, but I know other people have had problems with her as well. DC painted a beautiful PYO dragon for me for a swap, packed it well, and answered every PM. She did a swap with Koishii as well. And
    I just don’t know whether it will help to have other people talk to her about this problem. There doesn’t seem to be much legal action you could take. But for someone who bought an SK and several SE Windstones, you’d think those $500 wouldn’t be such a big deal. 😕 I’m sorry, drgnlvr. Let me know if I can help at all.


      Dang girl, I am so sorry. Is there any way to prove that the dragons were delievered to someone and not stolen off the porch? The lack of communication makes everything suspect, to me. I dont know how to help…


        You could say the blame is on your part, but you come on this forum and to most of us it’s just a big disfunctional family (:lol: ya’ll know who you are 😆 ) and you don’t think that a fellow member would do this to you. I don’t blame you. I think trust is a big issue on this forum. You have yourself covered by getting confirmation that the box was delivered and what date and time and that a tag was left. I mean if someone were going to come to to your door and take the box, most wouldn’t think to take the tag too! I could be wrong and I’m not saying the DC is lying or not but it would be nice if she sees this to address the problem in an adult manner or use Jennifer as a moderator (if she doesn’t mind of course). I do have to say you are handling this very well. I so hope you get this solved cause this sucks, you’re out pieces and money. I wish there was something I could do to help.


          😯 Oy! That’s a hard lesson learned.
          🙁 So sorry for what happened.
          What I don’t understand is FedEx leaving the box there on her poarch with the tag.
          Here in Canada…well around my place FedEx will leave the tag but keep the package I have to then retrieve it from them.
          That way no one can steal it.
          😡 The system where you are really sucks.
          If she is being dishonnest…I not saying she is, but if that is the case then she oviously saw it as a way to get free stuff.
          I hope things get clarified.

          A seller did this once…her husband sent the packages right away and I had yet to pay. She sent me an email that they were in the mail. I replied that I had yet to pay her and did so immediatly, then cautioned her about doing this in the future.


            Ouch….man…that entire situation stinks like old fish. 🙁


            You might be able to get her for mail fraud…she got the dragons, but you didn’t get paid. That is often the only way some folks get their money from these kinds of things. Since you have her message stating that she would pay you that night, etc…you have proof that you had an agreement.

            Good luck…but at nearly $500 owed, it can be a hefty fine if she is found to be guilty of the offense.



            Blackdesertwind wrote:

            What I don’t understand is FedEx leaving the box there on her poarch with the tag.
            Here in Canada…well around my place FedEx will leave the tag but keep the package I have to then retrieve it from them.
            That way no one can steal it.
            😡 The system where you are really sucks.

            That’s true. Here in Switzerland the post office keeps the packages until the recipient personally picks them up – not even other family members are allowed to retrieve the packages instead.


              Blackdesertwind wrote:

              What I don’t understand is FedEx leaving the box there on her poarch with the tag.
              Here in Canada…well around my place FedEx will leave the tag but keep the package I have to then retrieve it from them.
              That way no one can steal it.

              I don’t really understand that part either. I’ve never been left a tag if the package was left on my property (by ANY mailing service). But beyond that, if FedEx said it was delivered, rather than ‘an attempt was made’… you have to assume they’re telling the truth.

              Well, since I really have nothing constructive for ideas how to resolve this… I can only say I’m sorry it happened. And I hope it all works out for you. It’s bad enough for something like this to happen, but moreso when it’s within our little family here. 😕

              One small suggestion in the future though, if you’re using FedEx… Signature Proof of Delivery. It’s hard to dispute delivery when you can get an email copy of their signature… or makes it easier to make a claim, assuming that’s an option (I don’t personally use FedEx, so don’t know all the processes), if someone else signed for it who wasn’t supposed to get it.


                Did she ever tell you why she didnt pay after she said she would? And were they insured? If they were insured (im assuming that is the ‘i’ in s/i) then wont FEDEX pay for them getting stolen? Leaving something outside, unnatended, in this day and age is just stupid and asking for trouble. Maybe she doesnt have the money because of other things. This is just pure speculation, though. These were around that same time frame:
                And looks like she didnt need your momma kirin: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160222608204

                Hmmm… you are not the only one who had communication probs with her… http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5615&highlight=dragonslairtreasures


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  Blackdesertwind wrote:

                  What I don’t understand is FedEx leaving the box there on her poarch with the tag.
                  Here in Canada…well around my place FedEx will leave the tag but keep the package I have to then retrieve it from them.
                  That way no one can steal it.
                  😡 The system where you are really sucks.

                  That’s true. Here in Switzerland the post office keeps the packages until the recipient personally picks them up – not even other family members are allowed to retrieve the packages instead.

                  This is why I do not like my stuff being delivered by FedEx or UPS. They just leave stuff at my door. I am usually not home when they come either. My husband works from home most of the time, so can except deliveries when he’s there. But sometimes he isn’t. I don’t like my stuff just sitting there. I live in an apartment complex, and anyone can just walk through the breeze way and take the package. So I do prefer USPS. My mail lady leaves me a notice in the mailbox to go pick up my stuff at the leasing office.

                  Anyway, I’m really sorry again that this happened to you drgnlvr. 🙁 I know how much this has been bugging you, and I really wish there was something I could do to help!


                    😯 This sucks big time! I don’t really have any advice. All I can offer are hugs and moral support.

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    Maebnus3 wrote:

                    Blackdesertwind wrote:

                    What I don’t understand is FedEx leaving the box there on her poarch with the tag.
                    Here in Canada…well around my place FedEx will leave the tag but keep the package I have to then retrieve it from them.
                    That way no one can steal it.

                    I don’t really understand that part either. I’ve never been left a tag if the package was left on my property (by ANY mailing service). But beyond that, if FedEx said it was delivered, rather than ‘an attempt was made’… you have to assume they’re telling the truth.

                    Well, since I really have nothing constructive for ideas how to resolve this… I can only say I’m sorry it happened. And I hope it all works out for you. It’s bad enough for something like this to happen, but moreso when it’s within our little family here. 😕

                    One small suggestion in the future though, if you’re using FedEx… Signature Proof of Delivery. It’s hard to dispute delivery when you can get an email copy of their signature… or makes it easier to make a claim, assuming that’s an option (I don’t personally use FedEx, so don’t know all the processes), if someone else signed for it who wasn’t supposed to get it.

                    I personally always ask sellers not to send fedex- I have had bad experiences with them. They will literally leave a package outside of the apartment *building* which is on the corner of MAIN street in a neighborhood that’s not the greatest area. I was lucky to find one (smashed) and others have disappeared. Not saying that’s what happened (especially if it was a house and not an apartment) just whining that I hate fedex 😥 However about the tag thing- it does seem odd why would they leave a tag *and* the package?


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    Did she ever tell you why she didnt pay after she said she would? And were they insured? If they were insured (im assuming that is the ‘i’ in s/i) then wont FEDEX pay for them getting stolen? Leaving something outside, unnatended, in this day and age is just stupid and asking for trouble. Maybe she doesnt have the money because of other things. This is just pure speculation, though. These were around that same time frame:
                    And looks like she didnt need your momma kirin: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160222608204

                    Hmmm… you are not the only one who had communication probs with her… http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5615&highlight=dragonslairtreasures

                    I don’t know about Fedex but I had the post office leave two insured packages outside my apartment building and I never got them. The delivery conf. numbers showed as delivered AND the neighbor lady SAW the other neighbor STEAL them but ‘that’s not proof’… I can’t stand the fact that they leave packages out. I have a hot pink sign on my front door that says “Do not leave packages here they get stolen” and guess what, the sign has been stolen more than once! Anyhow I filled out insurance paperwork and then they mailed that to the sender who had to take it to her post office with the paypal receipt for proof of what it was worth and then I had to write a letter saying I never got the packages it went on and on with things we had to do (this was only for $37!) then eventually I got a money order in the mail from her post office. Then about 2 weeks later I got a letter of denial stating the insurance wouldn’t pay because the number showed as delivered…. I don’t know why I got the letter after they already paid. 2 packages disappeared that same day (both one of a kind model horses) the other was valued at $50 and after the nightmare with the first one I just said forget filing insurance on the 2nd.

                    Anyhow done ranting for now..

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