What Percent Of Your Collection is Retired / LE / LP

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    How many of you are just collecting Retired, LP, LE?



    I just started collecting and only have a few pieces, but one of them is retired. ^_^


    I only have two griffin chicks, a black-gold, and a grand unicorn. Everything else is peacock, emerald, white, ruby, or LE. 🙂


    I started collecting in the early 90’s, so nearly all of the production pieces that I’ve gotten have since been retired. It wasn’t intentional, but all of the pieces that I’ve gotten in the last few years have been retired/LP/LE, except for the rock dragon and the little rock dragon. I have ~50 Windstones right now.


    Of my 70+ pieces, about 60% are retired, LE or LP. Of course this statistic changes monthly…


    I’m not specifically collecting retired or non-retired. They just happen to have been the ones that I’ve come across in the past few months. My collection at the moment is about 80% retired pieces (not all dragons) and a few LPs.


      As far as prodiction Windstones go I have 14 retired, 2 LP and 5 current. I’m not trying to collect retired pieces, it’s just that I got my pieces just before or just after they retired.


        Im not counting the stuff that I bought as production and now retired as “retired.” When I bought it, it was produced. If that was the case, the only production things I have are a few golds and a few Em Peas. I think I have about 40% LE/LP… Probably less. Maybe 30%.


          In that area all I have is the baby pegasus without the necklace. “Pena(c) 91” is on its backside.


            Most of my pieces are either RETIRED or LP….I wish I could afford the LE pieces but right now that just isn’t possible, I also have a few pieces which are still available in the stores. 😆

            14 RETIRED
            9 LP
            6 Still available
            1 RETIRED on it’s way
            2 LP on it’s way


              I have 25 in all.
              4 still available
              2 special pieces (the Poad and the gold fledgling).
              19 retired.

              So that’s over 80%.


                I have 76 Windstones among those are 42 retired, 37 LP’s and 23 signed . They don’t add up to 76 because many of them fall into more than one category.


                Let me see. My collection consists of 22 production pieces, of which 5 are currently available, 5 are LP and 12 are retired. So that’s about 70% retired or LP.

                And then there are the PYOs… who don’t really count, but I have 5 of them anyhow 😆


                Most of my dragons are retired, though three are LPs. Then I have a few others that are not dragons that are retired. As far as collecting goes, I would like to get some of the specials, but no way my pocketbook can stand it.

                So all of Jennifer’s lovely griffons, etc will never be a part of my collection, the most I can hope for is the LPs offered in the store, but only if the rest of you don’t beat me to it! LOL!

                I am praying that the brown OW comes back when I have the money for him, if he doesn’t at all I am gonna cry, he’s the one I want the most, though the brown scratcher is a close second.


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