What peice do you NOT want to see in production?

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      Oh boy Ski, you opened a can of worms on this one. 😆

      Well, at the risk of touching off a ravenous mob (and for ticking off Melody – sorry Melody 🙁 ), I really don’t like the hatching dragon. It looks like a head was put onto a pebble or something. I find them somewhat annoying.

      I also don’t care for the new black sunset griffin. I didn’t like the retired black griffins and the new ones will have red eyes, so it’s a strike out as far as my tastes are concerned.

      I do like the violet flame color, but haven’t seen one in person, so I don’t know if I would like the mustard yellow color on it. Probably not. That’s why I didn’t like the gold curls.

      *runs and ducks for cover*


        I’m not big on spectrals either. It’s their eyes O.O

        I guess I’m in the minority in thinking the hatching llama is just devestatingly cute? D: And that I’d like to see more dragons in old green?


        Nambroth wrote:

        starbreeze wrote:

        …I think the Arthrowolf would be at the bottom of my list. 🙂

        It seems several people don’t like the anthropomorphic wolf. Why is that? I’m curious. 🙂

        I have no idea, I like her, but then I’m an anthro artist, course I would. I also know about 1500 other anthro folk who would love her. She has a place in the market, she really does, just maybe not in the regular Windstone dragon collecting crowd is all.



          Nambroth wrote:

          I actually don’t like the violet flame coloration. It’s jarring and hideous to me. That’s only my personal opinion though, so don’t worry.. I’m probably the only one to hate it!

          No, I agree with you on the VF. But it also seems that I don’t like any color except for Peacock and BG. Like the whites; I really do not like the white dragons, myself. Not at all.
          Probably why my collection is only Peacocks and BG 😆 I do have a ruby and emerald Sun dragon on layaway with people, but those don’t count! xD I love orientals so I’m okay with the color on those. though I would never buy a white oriental. Never.


          I’m not big on the “people” pieces – mermaids, wizards etc so anything along those lines I’d rather not see myself. Although I certainly understand people who like them. And I’m not a big gargoyle fan, either.

          And, please no pink ki-rins (sorry, ski). But you did ask. 😉 😆


            I have NEVER liked th Spectral Dragons, again because of the eyes, but I like the one I got for my Birthday. I LOVE the VF color but I like the original Russett better. I really like the Dark Red better. Like Everyone else I’d LOVE to see the SK in regular production. I could do without the Sea Jewel also


              Nambroth wrote:

              starbreeze wrote:

              …I think the Arthrowolf would be at the bottom of my list. 🙂

              It seems several people don’t like the anthropomorphic wolf. Why is that? I’m curious. 🙂Its creepy 😆 I dont like any animal with human legs. A human top with an animal body is ok, but human legs are gross on an animal. I hope I am thinking of the right animal…


                Romeodanny wrote:

                There are alot of things I don’t want regular production. But, it’s all for selfish reasons. Black Gold OW for one. Sorry for those who want one.

                I am so with you on this one. 😆


                  SilverArrow wrote:

                  Oh boy Ski, you opened a can of worms on this one. 😆

                  I also don’t care for the new black sunset griffin. I didn’t like the retired black griffins and the new ones will have red eyes, so it’s a strike out as far as my tastes are concerned.

                  I am not waiting for the sunset griffin either… the beagle one, however… I am awaiting that one rather anxiously! 😆


                    ddvm wrote:

                    And, please no pink ki-rins (sorry, ski). But you did ask. 😉 😆

                    Let this statement be stricken from the record. *Bangs gavel*


                      SilverArrow wrote:

                      I do like the violet flame color, but haven’t seen one in person, so I don’t know if I would like the mustard yellow color on it. Probably not. That’s why I didn’t like the gold curls.

                      My VF fledgie doesn’t have any mustard yellow on it, so it probably depends on the piece. That’s why I like to see pieces in person if possible. Mine’s very orange (<3!), and has a bit of gold highlighting on its face, but it's not mustardy at all. I was shocked to see the one fledge that was (Koishii's, I think?). I have to see the VF color on the bigger pieces to know if I really like it. But I think it's going to come down to each piece, since they're painted by hand by different people.

                      But as to the topic at hand… I don’t care for the people pieces either. Wizards aren’t for me, and I don’t like the bare boobs on the mermaids *shrug*

                      I think Poads and Curlies should stay LP (not that it sounded like they would change). But not really for any particular reason. I just like being able to get little stuff that the “public” won’t get.

                      I like Spectrals (I have 3), but I don’t like the white ones. But then, I only have 2 whites (fledge & curl), and don’t really care for any others. Plus I really don’t like the eyes that seem to be on the new white Sitters. I think the white eyes are creepy. It’s like dead fish. What’s with that? Was it planned, or a mistake?


                        It was a mistake. Miss Melody forgot to paint the black behind them.


                          skigod377 wrote:

                          Nambroth wrote:

                          starbreeze wrote:

                          …I think the Arthrowolf would be at the bottom of my list. 🙂

                          It seems several people don’t like the anthropomorphic wolf. Why is that? I’m curious. 🙂Its creepy 😆 I dont like any animal with human legs. A human top with an animal body is ok, but human legs are gross on an animal. I hope I am thinking of the right animal…

                          So do the Egyptian gods, like Anubis, Set, Ra, Horus, etc, bother you too? (this is fascinating to me)

                          So many ancient cultures had animal-headed gods. It’s really interesting to me.

                          Is it only human bodies with a animal head that bother you, or all humanoid animals? What about things like Disney characters, like Disney’s Robin Hood?

                          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                          My art: featherdust.com


                            skigod377 wrote:

                            It was a mistake. Miss Melody forgot to paint the black behind them.

                            Thanks! I hadn’t seen it mentioned, even though I’m trying to keep up with reading stuff on here between packing boxes and attempting to finish the last HP book so I can read the spoiler thread. 🙄


                              Nambroth wrote:

                              So do the Egyptian gods, like Anubis, Set, Ra, Horus, etc, bother you too? (this is fascinating to me)

                              So many ancient cultures had animal-headed gods. It’s really interesting to me.

                              Is it only human bodies with a animal head that bother you, or all humanoid animals? What about things like Disney characters, like Disney’s Robin Hood?

                              Yep. Dont like that either. Its just the ones with human legs. I have no problem with centaurs. They are cool. Human legs are just ugly with an animal top. Not graceful at all… and they cant run as fast. It just does not look right at all to me.

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