
What is up with UPS?

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    Is it because I live in Canada? I had one parcel sent to me from an auction, left texas on january 26, still not here, WTH? I did change the shipping address, by calling them last friday, now a week later it still hasnt arrived. Now the tracking says someone requested a different delivery date, so who is that? I have to call them again tomorrow and find out WTH is going one now, arg I just want my OW so baddly.

    Just wanted to note that I have another piece shipped to me via USPS from NJ on the 30th and it got here on tuesday, figure that one out?



      I don’t like UPS ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

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      I don’t know.
      That’s why I hate UPS. Nothing goes to plan when shipping by them. I sent a package by them the other day. I measured the box, so I knew the box was only 12x9x9″. When the girl measured it in store she added inches on. Added more than $3 to the total. On line it said that insurance was included in the quote, but, in the store she told me that insurance was $3.00 extra. I only broght $29.00 with me. It was supposed to cost $25 and change, then it went up to $29.75. I couldn’t afford to insure it. I hope it gets to the person today. Knowing UPS it will probably be late. Normally is. I’ve honestly never had a postitive transaction with them. Sending or recieving.


      During holidays, such as Christmas and Valentines, better add easter too…UPS has a bunch of deliveries for a bunch of people. I could understand them being a bit behind. USPS gets behind too, but not as bad as it once did when there weren’t computers available to everyone.
      Sounds to me that you should turn in the girl who helped you though to her superiors. She shouldn’t have added inches and dollars to your charges. That is BS. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ


        I dunno- I use UPS very often and have never had a problem with them. That’s how all my Windstones and PYOs travel from California to here and back again!

        It’s FEDEX we have problems with very, very regularly. They’ve delivered high value items (fully insured and with tracking) to the wrong address three times now, completely ruined two of my packages, and the one time I got flowers they just left them at the bottom of the driveway and didn’t even try to come to the door (needless to say they froze). When we called the flower company to complain, they sent more flowers and FEDEX did the same thing again! ๐Ÿ˜ก

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


        I haven’t ever used Fed-Ex or DHL, but I prefer UPS over USPS. It’s just a matter of preference and which place has “Done you wrong” before, I think. ๐Ÿ˜‰


          Nambroth wrote:

          I dunno- I use UPS very often and have never had a problem with them. That’s how all my Windstones and PYOs travel from California to here and back again!

          It’s FEDEX we have problems with very, very regularly. They’ve delivered high value items (fully insured and with tracking) to the wrong address three times now, completely ruined two of my packages, and the one time I got flowers they just left them at the bottom of the driveway and didn’t even try to come to the door (needless to say they froze). When we called the flower company to complain, they sent more flowers and FEDEX did the same thing again! ๐Ÿ˜ก

          that’s sad…..I have and account with FEDEX and have never had a problem…

          although I don’t know if Karen ever got those cookies I sent around Christmas… ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

          maybe I should ask…


            frozendragon wrote:

            that’s sad…..I have and account with FEDEX and have never had a problem…

            although I don’t know if Karen ever got those cookies I sent around Christmas… ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

            maybe I should ask…

            I think it all depends on the local team? Like I have grown to know all our UPS drivers and they are nice guys. It’s kind of how you can go to one store and have a bad experience but the same store one town over can have great customer service. It all depends on the work crew/employees in your location I think.

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


            I’ve only ever gone with FedEx and never had any problems. ๐Ÿ˜

            My friend does UPS and I’ve told her that several of the packages she sends to me have been mauled or looked like they were dropped from a five story building..


            I had a problem with Fedex delivering two packages to the house next door – they left them under the porch. I got them 3 days later, after they had been sitting out in really cold weather. When I called to complain I asked if they could highlight my address with a note so this wouldn’t happen again (my address is somewhat confusing) and the girl said it was impossible. I had a similar problem with UPS, called them and they fixed it. So I wouldn’t be using Fedex if I have any say.


              ddvm wrote:

              I had a problem with Fedex delivering two packages to the house next door – they left them under the porch. I got them 3 days later, after they had been sitting out in really cold weather. When I called to complain I asked if they could highlight my address with a note so this wouldn’t happen again (my address is somewhat confusing) and the girl said it was impossible. I had a similar problem with UPS, called them and they fixed it. So I wouldn’t be using Fedex if I have any say.

              Yeah Fedex delivered my packages to a house several miles away! Luckily the person that got them was kind enough to look up my name and call me to let me know, because Fedex said it wasn’t possible and since it had been ‘delivered’ they wouldn’t take responsibility. Anyway this guy called me and was like “I have boxes for you!” which was awesome of him. He didn’t have to! I’m so glad, because it was a huge order of prints I had made for an art show. $400 worth, easily. I almost had a heart attack when it said ‘delivered’ and they weren’t here.

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
              My art: featherdust.com


                That’s strange that FedEx and USPS are so lousy in the States, because they’ve been excellent about bringing things to me overseas.


                  I use USPS and haven’t ever had any troubles myself.

                  I really do think that it’s just luck which ones screw up and which don’t for you. Because I’ve heard horror stories about all of them. And yet my Windstones get here by UPS just fine, and my fur fabric reaches me by FedEx just fine too. (My major supplier ships FedEx only.) It’s just luck.


                  Nambroth wrote:

                  ddvm wrote:

                  I had a problem with Fedex delivering two packages to the house next door – they left them under the porch. I got them 3 days later, after they had been sitting out in really cold weather. When I called to complain I asked if they could highlight my address with a note so this wouldn’t happen again (my address is somewhat confusing) and the girl said it was impossible. I had a similar problem with UPS, called them and they fixed it. So I wouldn’t be using Fedex if I have any say.

                  Yeah Fedex delivered my packages to a house several miles away! Luckily the person that got them was kind enough to look up my name and call me to let me know, because Fedex said it wasn’t possible and since it had been ‘delivered’ they wouldn’t take responsibility. Anyway this guy called me and was like “I have boxes for you!” which was awesome of him. He didn’t have to! I’m so glad, because it was a huge order of prints I had made for an art show. $400 worth, easily. I almost had a heart attack when it said ‘delivered’ and they weren’t here.

                  At least I only had to go next door. Personally, I think that since Fedex was paid for a service (to deliver the items to a particular address) and they failed to deliver (pun intended) they should have reimbursed some if not all of the shipping. To tell you that the package had been delivered and they wouldn’t fix it is crap. Lousy customer service – one of my pet peeves.

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