What is the method to your collecting?

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      I’m probably the odd ball out as I’m a bargain Windstoner. I’m a rather patient person so I just wait around for the deals to surface and snag them. It’s kind of a hit and miss way to collect but it’s allowed me to grow my collection to around 40 pieces with minimal monetary investment 8)

      I am however having a slight dilemma with the White Old Warrior…I kinda sorta want him bad, I wish they’d just sell out already just to remove the temptation 🙄


      Well I started just wanting to collect the Family of Empea. Well then I saw the FV Fledgling, and then 2 rainbows flew in. Add in a few curled and I think I am turning into collecting what I see and like 😀


      My collection just sorta grew over time. I got the female peacock first, and she brought home a couple of her freinds, and then a few more came…then a few more. I now have over 150, atleast 50%+ are retired, 15% are limited, and the rest are still in production. I have no plans to stop collecting. When I finally move off from this mortal world, I am seriously thinking of seeing if I can’t make them a part of the Museum of Art in Chicago. I would really like to see them go someplace where people can see how beautifully Melody worked with sculpting. 😳 And that they would be safe from breaking and loved by many. I may give a few to my son, but that is way later in life. I will however be buried with atleast 3 of them. I have decided on that part. And God help the person who buries me, if they don’t put them in there, I will haunt them forever! 😆 😆 😆 (Not a nice haunting either… 😈 )


        lamortefille wrote:

        SilverArrow wrote:

        Having said this, my opinions have changed greatly since joining the forum. I didn’t use to like the Laps, Kir-ins, Scratchers, Spectrals, or Wizards before joining the forum. When I see others display their collections and explain why they like certain sculps or colors I begin to appreciate them in a new light. This forum is a terrible influence for the wallet. 😆

        *nods* Me, too. Seeing everyones’ collections has helped mine “branch out”, too. The biggest dragon I owned pre-Forum was a male, now I have an Emp, two OWs, etc. and an empty wallet… 😆
        I thought wallets where made to be empty??
        I have collected the core famlies so far, as you can see by my pics. Core meaning Emperor, Male, Mother, Young and Hatchling, in every color, I still need to get the Golds and EmPea ones, in due time. Around 2004 when the Whites and Emeralds got retired I added the Fledgies since they where to cute to pass up and now I have added the curlies. I have a few other misc. ones laying around the house like 2 SK’s and a VERY SEPCIAL Sitting Spectral that I got for my birthday from Melody and company back in July. I usually want to get the ENTIRE thing like the ENTIRE family instead of bits and pieces


          Dragon Master wrote:

          lamortefille wrote:

          SilverArrow wrote:

          Having said this, my opinions have changed greatly since joining the forum. I didn’t use to like the Laps, Kir-ins, Scratchers, Spectrals, or Wizards before joining the forum. When I see others display their collections and explain why they like certain sculps or colors I begin to appreciate them in a new light. This forum is a terrible influence for the wallet. 😆

          *nods* Me, too. Seeing everyones’ collections has helped mine “branch out”, too. The biggest dragon I owned pre-Forum was a male, now I have an Emp, two OWs, etc. and an empty wallet… 😆
          I thought wallets where made to be empty??
          I have collected the core famlies so far, as you can see by my pics. Core meaning Emperor, Male, Mother, Young and Hatchling, in every color, I still need to get the Golds and EmPea ones, in due time. Around 2004 when the Whites and Emeralds got retired I added the Fledgies since they where to cute to pass up and now I have added the curlies. I have a few other misc. ones laying around the house like 2 SK’s and a VERY SEPCIAL Sitting Spectral that I got for my birthday from Melody and company back in July. I usually want to get the ENTIRE thing like the ENTIRE family instead of bits and pieces

          hehe! @ “laying around the house”…you sound like a very rich man…I know you aren’t though 😉


            well right now I’m not sure where about 3 of them are. I need to find them and get them in the bedroom with all the others. I have 2 rabbits and a polar bear to find


              I buy dragons 95% of the time. Rising Spectrals are my favorite but I like buying any dragon and try to mix up the colors. I really like the signed sculpts.


                I collect… representatives? I’m sort of aiming for a cross-section of variety and color, I guess. I want to a complete “set” in a specific color, for example:

                I have the (nearly) entire family of Western dragons in White;

                the entire family of Orientals in Peacock;

                The Old Warrior in Emerald (because when I bought him he wasn’t available in white, which sort of made him a category of his own; plus, I saw him in the store and fell in love with the color);

                The (stone-finish) dragon bookends;

                The male Ki-Rin (I wanted the whole family, but only managed one before they retired, and now the prices mean it’s out of the question);

                and, miscellaneously, the Gothic unicorn (I wanted something to put rings on) and the Frog Prince (adorable).

                I don’t have any Griffins yet, aside from PYOs, but I want the entire family in Tan, and maybe in Wolf as well (can’t have too many griffins).

                As far as PYOs go, I painted my first griffin to match my White dragons, while the second is based on a real bird of prey, and the third is a total fantasy color. I’ll probably do much the same with dragons — one to match my Whites, and the rest as varied as possible, since I like setting myself painting challenges. 🙂

                So my collection has Western dragons, Orientals, Kirins, unicorns, and frogs; and it has peacocks, emeralds, and whites.

                …Melody needs to come out with some new dragons, so I have something to get in Rainbow, Ruby, Black Gold, and Em-Pea! 🙂

                Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


                  SilverArrow wrote:

                  Having said this, my opinions have changed greatly since joining the forum. I didn’t use to like the Laps, Kir-ins, Scratchers, Spectrals, or Wizards before joining the forum.

                  Oh? Well, you can just send those Laps and Ki-rins my way, if you please!

                  The Lap is quite likely my favorite sculpt. (And I had to give up my ki-rin collecting plans because they were retired, and prices became ridiculous! $80+ for the baby!? Not from my wallet, unfortunately.)

                  Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).

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