
What is an average price for a Male Ki-rin?

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    I know someone knows.


      I dont know the average as well as LIH will, but I know they go for $125-175. Sometimes more, sometimes less.


        Average selling price for a Male Kirin in mint condition is $120.94 (4 sold on ebay since Oct. 1st, 2006)

        I’ve mentionned to a few other people though and I’d like to repeat here: I feel that an average price based on 4 items is not as reliable as an average based on 10 or more items, which is why, when I give an average I always mention on how many sales it is based. Like Ski mentionned, sometimes they go way under or way over the average and the more sales there are, the more the average will reflect reality.

        But with the data I have so far, $120.94 is the average selling price.

        Good luck!


          the kirins, for some reason, vary A LOT! I’ve been looking at them for almost a year now on ebay…I’ve bought two males, both for around $90 + shipping. But I’ve seen them go for around $150, too.

          I wanted that one thats up now…has the box and everthing…but now I think I’m pretty broke! ๐Ÿ™ Good luck Ruffian!

          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
          -J R R Tolkien


            Arlla wrote:

            the kirins, for some reason, vary A LOT! I’ve been looking at them for almost a year now on ebay…I’ve bought two males, both for around $90 + shipping. But I’ve seen them go for around $150, too.

            I wanted that one thats up now…has the box and everthing…but now I think I’m pretty broke! ๐Ÿ™ Good luck Ruffian!

            Plus it’s in Canada as I’m sure you have noticed ๐Ÿ˜‰ so no trouble with customs!!! I don’t even collect Ki-Rins but I considered bidding if only for that reason, but I changed my mind ๐Ÿ˜€


              I got mine for $50



              Wow…how did you manage to get it that cheaply?


                mimitrek wrote:

                Wow…how did you manage to get it that cheaply?

                when the wicks n sticks had one….it had a tiny chip on the front foot….so I asked for a discount…(the lady remembered I bought stuff there before)…

                so I got him for $50

                at the time they had a gothic unicorn with a chipped front foot…they were selling for like $45

                but I didn’t like it so I didn’t buy it…

                now I wish I would have….LOL


                I got a male and a female Ki-rin for $120 on ebay.


                  WOW! How did you manage that?


                  I managed to do that because they were sold together. Like you said, you usually get things cheaper if they are sold together and you are right. hehe


                    Very nice!


                      I just got a male kirin off of ebay in the begining of Dec i paid only $97.25 for him I could not belive it. He even came in the original box and bag in mint condition. wow what a steal.


                        For real! Good buy, Kirin!

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