
What did you get for Mother's Day?

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      Okay. I need to stop looking at all those pretty glass things. They are so pretty, but I am so broke!!


        Lets see, my kids,mother in law and husband got me 2 beardies and a dragon jigsaw book. My oldest son made me a couple of pictures and a little tote bag and gave me a plant he planted at school.


        SilverArrow wrote:

        That is awsome work. Take a look at this one:


        And I’m not even a fan of snakes, but that is really cool!
        Wow! That is so cool. Almost looks real. (I like it just alittle more than the jellies. But not much πŸ˜† )

        We took my mom out to Swiss Chalet for dinner. My Mom will kill me but I also have a few angel orniments for her. She allways says don’t get me anything. (When she first started saying it she didn’t mean it. But, now she’s serious. She really doesn’t want any of us spending money on her.) All I got for Mothers day is a scolding from the cats for being away all day. πŸ˜†


          I got a black/gold Lap Dragon and my son made a Frilled Lizard out of clay in Art Class. It’s about the same size as the Lap Dragon. We went to see Spiderman 3 and out to dinner. πŸ˜€


            I want to see a pix of your son’s frilled lizard:-) My son gave me a card he made in school – it says “you are the best at everything”. Sweet…. and don’t I wish?


              I still need to post pics of my Windstone collection. I’ve never gotten around to doing it yet. Hopefully, this coming weekend I can do that and I’ll include a pic of the Frilled Lizard. His name is “George”, btw. πŸ˜†


                I bought myself a little swarovski flower (blue primula) and bought my mom a silk rose (peachy pink in color) and a box of hand picked chocolates. My swarovski stay in her cabinet, so she gets to enjoy looking at it πŸ˜‰

                Those glass sculptures are awesome! I have friends who did glass blowing in college and I got one of my friend’s ‘test’ pieces of a flower. A few others did lost wax bronze casting and stone carving (so much fun!).

                I always kinda liked the stuff by Tim Cotterill (aka the Frogman). The names amuse me too. They are really kewl in person!


                Let’s see, we went out to dinner for sushi, combo husband’s birthday, Mother’s Day, and yay our roommate finally won his SS case after 6 years.

                My 5 year old made me this cool little paper flower with petals I can take off with little chores on them, so if I pull off a petal and give it to him, he is supposed to do the chore, I plan to use this on him when he is 10. *grin*

                We spent part of Mother’s Day rototilling the garden, we’re half done with it, it’s a really big space.

                We also had a funeral to attend later, a dear friend of the family lost his yongest brother unexpectedly. So we attended to give him support during this time.

                We also had a BBQ with friends on Saturday. Overall the weekend was pretty nifty, minus the funeral.

                Though only my roommate remembered to actually say, “Happy Mother’s Day.” to me. I’ll take what I can get.



                  siberakh1 wrote:

                  I bought myself a little swarovski flower (blue primula) and bought my mom a silk rose (peachy pink in color) and a box of hand picked chocolates. My swarovski stay in her cabinet, so she gets to enjoy looking at it πŸ˜‰

                  Those glass sculptures are awesome! I have friends who did glass blowing in college and I got one of my friend’s ‘test’ pieces of a flower. A few others did lost wax bronze casting and stone carving (so much fun!).

                  I always kinda liked the stuff by Tim Cotterill (aka the Frogman). The names amuse me too. They are really kewl in person!

                  I saw your blue primula – very pretty: -) Cool that they are making more colorful pieces. I have an anteater and lovebirds.

                  I love the frog with the flower! His work is wonderful.



                  I always kinda liked the stuff by Tim Cotterill (aka the Frogman). The names amuse me too. They are really kewl in person!

                  Excellent frogs! Thanks! I love it that this group posts links to things of interest outside of windstone. Such an open forum.


                    I love those frogs! I want some. Another thing to add to the States shopping list.


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    I love those frogs! I want some. Another thing to add to the States shopping list.

                    Did you see the price tag? The site said prices range from $400 to $1000…somehow as cute as those frogs are, they are out of my price range, by lots.

                    I’d rather have a ALSK.



                      Yeah – I just searched them on E-Bay. Quite something! But I still like them. πŸ˜›


                        I like ‘Tulip’. Amazing.


                          AdaraSky wrote:

                          Lets see, my kids,mother in law and husband got me 2 beardies and a dragon jigsaw book. My oldest son made me a couple of pictures and a little tote bag and gave me a plant he planted at school.

                          Beardies? Bearded dragons?? Oh!.. could you show us a pic??

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