What did Santa Bring You?

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      I got a Sony Reader from my hubby. It’s a spiffy little gadget that’s about as thick as a checkbook and about the size of a paperback. I can download nearly my whole library onto it and don’t have to haul big heavy books around. Just read the book on the screen. Am currently reading ‘One Good Knight’ by Mercedes Lackey.




      keschete wrote:

      dragonessjade wrote:

      I got DVDs of Reba (seasons 1-4), a necklace and pendant, a box from India with a jewel on it, and my first tatoo, and the Autumn test paint #3 Hawks Castle from my bf. My mom bought me $300 worth of clothes (I am suppose to use it mostly for my sister’s wedding) and she is going to fly me and my bf anywhere we want.
      I gave my bf a guitar that he sold and regretted it (man his reaction was priceless) and I also gave him Season 10 of Frasier.

      Ohhh, I meant to tell you congrats on that Castle. I wanted it too, but I didn’t want to be too greedy. I love all the notes on the bottom and it has more autumn color than mine does. I was way different from the first two….look at the castle pics in my thread http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5900

      Also congrats to everyone who got what they wanted! Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!
      Thank you. I would be interested in seeing the bottom of your castle and what the differences are. Now hopefully I will be able to get the Mystery Castle (Congrats Ski on beating me..hehe). Oh and I forgot to mention that I got cards and chocolate from forum memebers. Oh and my Violet Em pea arrived in time for x-mas as well that I got from Dragonscavern (She said to tell you guys hi by the way). Thanks again guys. πŸ˜‰


      Congrats on that castle, dragoness.
      I hope Taneea knows she’s missed.


      santa spoiled me this year!! He got me an airbrush & compressor!! I can’t wait to start playing with them. lol! Let’s see, the kids got cool stuff…son got an r/c lego dinosaur, star wars lego driod ship thing and 2 battle tanks he has to share with his Dad. Daughter got a fur real friends s’mores pony and a pink magic barbie vanity w/ all the little girlie accessories…Hubby got a night vision monocular w. infrared, some boots and the 2 battle tanks he has to share w. son…And that was just here….My folks got us cool stuff, a new crock pot, gift certificates….My inlaws got us cool stuff too and best of all, my sister in law got me enough henna & indigo to last me the next 6 months….It was a great christmas this year, and I got to leave the mess at someone else’s house this year too…


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Congrats on that castle, dragoness.
      I hope Taneea knows she’s missed.

      Thanks GB. I will tell her next time I talk to her. I told her she should log on the forum more if she can. πŸ˜€


      Oh good, thanks.


        Santa skipped my house this year


          santa brought me a midi piano for my music


            Everybody is probably tired of hearing about this but I fee; O got the best Christmas present I could ever receove early when I got my dog back alive and well after his emergency surgery.


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Oh good, thanks.

            Your Welcome. And darjeb, that is great. Everyone were given some nice gifts.


              dragonessjade wrote:

              I gave my bf a guitar that he sold and regretted it (man his reaction was priceless) and I also gave him Season 10 of Frasier.

              I have to say that’s about the coolest thing I’ve heard in a long time. So rare to get back something “lost”. You should have filmed him opening it. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


              No kidding. That’s neat, dragoness. πŸ˜€


              Thanks guys.
              Yeah, he has sacraficed (sp?) a lot for us (even tho he doesn’t realize it) and I wanted to do something very special. He didn’t know what to do after he opened it (cry, jump for joy). He has regretted selling a couple of things and when I contacted the guy who we sold it to and he said that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to sell it back and later got a email from him saying he did (I told my bf about the first email, but then denied the other emails), then I knew I had to get it for him. The guitar has a lot of sentimental value and he still hasn’t played it very much…but that could also be that he is still in shock. I should of at least taken pics but I was way too excited to give it to him and I didn’t think about it. πŸ˜€


                That is too cool Dragoness. πŸ˜€

                I got a coffee cup, a VS gift card, and a TH sweater. Plus the plane ticket to visit my honey.


                VS and TH stand for what?

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