What did Santa Bring You?

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    I got some “Light Blue” Dolce & Gabbana perfume. I got the hubby some T-shirts with different Buick GS and Buick Regals, with funny comments. The nieces all got cash from us and the baby nephew got a whole bunch of Fisher Price toys πŸ™‚

    What did Santa bring you and your family?



      hmmm….so far the cat barfed on the floor…that was his present to my sister…

      tomorrow is when we all do the present thing….


        lmao! frozen….


          Santa brought me another year with my husband that I thought was never going to happen. We exchanged one gift tonight and will do the rest tomorrow. Hubby got me a pair of snow boots since none of my shoes fit and the only pair I have are not water proof. I got him a set of medical instruments from the civil war to use for re-enacting season. Our cat Hobo got a bird toy that chirps when he bats it around so all I’ve heard all night long is “chirp chirp chirp”. I figured he would get sick of it buy now but its still chirping.


            my dad got one of those for our cat too….I think I’m gonna be insane by the time tomorrow is over….


              frozendragon wrote:

              hmmm….so far the cat barfed on the floor…that was his present to my sister…

              tomorrow is when we all do the present thing….
              OK Frozen what is it with you and cat’s bodily functions??
              I’m pooping, I’m barfing no No NO BOTH!!!


              We open most of our presents today, but last night we opened the stockings. I got a couple thin, easy-reading books (quotes) and girly stuff (lotion, perfume and bath roses).


              One of my 11 dogs also puked on the sofa this Christmas Eve…so don’t feel alone. I have so many animals that I usually get some type of bodily function gift two or three times a week, hehehehehe


                Dragon Master wrote:

                I’m pooping, I’m barfing no No NO BOTH!!!

                wow….sounds like you are having some issues…. 😈


                  frozendragon wrote:

                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  I’m pooping, I’m barfing no No NO BOTH!!!

                  wow….sounds like you are having some issues…. 😈

                  Ya think? πŸ˜†


                  I don’t know yet, I can’t wait until tomorrow!! XD


                    lamortefille wrote:

                    frozendragon wrote:

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    I’m pooping, I’m barfing no No NO BOTH!!!

                    wow….sounds like you are having some issues…. 😈

                    Ya think? πŸ˜†

                    I try not to…it really makes my head hurt… 😯


                      No comment!!! 😈


                      Santa brought my husband the Yorkie puppy that he’s been wanting for ages. πŸ™‚ Six weeks old, one pound six ounces, and stinkin’ cute. Took to hubby right away; hubby, for his part, is equally besotted. πŸ˜†

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