
What determines this?

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    frozendragon wrote:

    skigod377 wrote:

    DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…

    for real… that’s a bit nutso…

    and I seriously hate that f word…

    I know, that is wrong! I really hate that the person wrote that to you! 😡


      👿 DM, no one should be treated that way, ever! My heart aches for you… Whoever did that to you needs to be dumped in a muddy hole, dragged out and stomped dry! 👿 👿 👿 That’s completely unacceptable!!!




      skigod377 wrote:

      DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…

      I agree I cant believe someone would do that.


      twindragonsmum wrote:

      👿 DM, no one should be treated that way, ever! My heart aches for you… Whoever did that to you needs to be dumped in a muddy hole, dragged out and stomped dry! 👿 👿 👿 That’s completely unacceptable!!!




      skigod377 wrote:

      DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…

      Wow… DM, that’s totally not cool that someone did that to you. *hugs*

      Everyone has their own way of dealing with stuff. Some are more private than others. Yes, there are some people who will take advantage of people just to get something ‘free’, whether it is a service, money, or an item. I guess people just need to be vigiliant and expect that, there may be a time where you might be ‘had’, but that is usually the minority. You pick yourself up, take note (yes, you are probably going to be hurt or mad), but you move on. Doesn’t mean you stop being nice to people because one person wants to be a stinker. Gifts for good times, sad times, and just random surprise times can be a wonderful thing 🙂

      Ok, I hope that made some sense…


      siberakh1 wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…

      Wow… DM, that’s totally not cool that someone did that to you. *hugs*

      Everyone has their own way of dealing with stuff. Some are more private than others. Yes, there are some people who will take advantage of people just to get something ‘free’, whether it is a service, money, or an item. I guess people just need to be vigiliant and expect that, there may be a time where you might be ‘had’, but that is usually the minority. You pick yourself up, take note (yes, you are probably going to be hurt or mad), but you move on. Doesn’t mean you stop being nice to people because one person wants to be a stinker. Gifts for good times, sad times, and just random surprise times can be a wonderful thing 🙂

      Ok, I hope that made some sense…

      😀 Clear as a bell! 😉 I agree with you.


      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      siberakh1 wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…

      Wow… DM, that’s totally not cool that someone did that to you. *hugs*

      Everyone has their own way of dealing with stuff. Some are more private than others. Yes, there are some people who will take advantage of people just to get something ‘free’, whether it is a service, money, or an item. I guess people just need to be vigiliant and expect that, there may be a time where you might be ‘had’, but that is usually the minority. You pick yourself up, take note (yes, you are probably going to be hurt or mad), but you move on. Doesn’t mean you stop being nice to people because one person wants to be a stinker. Gifts for good times, sad times, and just random surprise times can be a wonderful thing 🙂

      Ok, I hope that made some sense…

      😀 Clear as a bell! 😉 I agree with you.

      Kewl. I’ve been a bit loopy from meds since Friday, so I wasn’t sure, hence the disclaimer. 😉 I had oral surgery. 😛


        frozendragon wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…

        for real… that’s a bit nutso…

        and I seriously hate that f word…
        Me too. I do not use those words unless I’m really REALLY pissed so if you ever hear them from you you will know to clear the room.
        I just do not talk to this person anymore

        I really do not know what happened. This person was here talking about how bad life was at that moment in time, marriage etc. and I offered some advise to that effect that you can survive anything life throws at you and get that PM in return.
        I reported it to John immediately and will NOT have any contact with that person anymore.
        I hope their life gets better and that is all I can do
        They have not been posting that much anymore either


        Dragon Master wrote:

        frozendragon wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…

        for real… that’s a bit nutso…

        and I seriously hate that f word…
        Me too. I do not use those words unless I’m really REALLY pissed so if you ever hear them from you you will know to clear the room.
        I just do not talk to this person anymore

        I really do not know what happened. This person was here talking about how bad life was at that moment in time, marriage etc. and I offered some advise to that effect that you can survive anything life throws at you and get that PM in return.
        I reported it to John immediately and will NOT have any contact with that person anymore.
        I hope their life gets better and that is all I can do
        They have not been posting that much anymore either

        Huh, that is a puzzler. I wonder why he/she got so mad? That is probably the best thing you can do, is to avoid that person. I’d do that too.


          eaglefeather831 wrote:

          Dragon Master wrote:

          frozendragon wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…

          for real… that’s a bit nutso…

          and I seriously hate that f word…
          Me too. I do not use those words unless I’m really REALLY pissed so if you ever hear them from you you will know to clear the room.
          I just do not talk to this person anymore

          I really do not know what happened. This person was here talking about how bad life was at that moment in time, marriage etc. and I offered some advise to that effect that you can survive anything life throws at you and get that PM in return.
          I reported it to John immediately and will NOT have any contact with that person anymore.
          I hope their life gets better and that is all I can do
          They have not been posting that much anymore either

          Huh, that is a puzzler. I wonder why he/she got so mad? That is probably the best thing you can do, is to avoid that person. I’d do that too.

          It could have been that the person was dealing with some heavy emotions, and especialy if they are female that can be hard. some times when some one comes up with something like,” you can make it threw it! life is not that bad!” (or a comment that can end up with a simaler sound) it can feel like they are making light of what you are going through and that it really is not that big of a deal, and that can hurt.

          It is not an excuse to spark off at some one like that, but i do understand how a comment like that can be hurtful. one of my freinds did that to me, offering the same type of advice and at the time it hurt so much, I had to let him know that he had to shut up because he had no idea what i was dealing with and that what he was trying to say was not helping, even though i knew he meant no harm.


            DM I can’t believe someone would send you a PM like that from this Forum. I hope John kicked them OUT


              I think I got the greatest gift in the world from the people on this Forum last September when my dog was so sick. You can’t imagine the feelings I got when I read all your hopes, best wishes, cares and prayers for him. I am sure that had a great deal to do with his recovery. For that type of thing the vets at the emergency clinic told me later the survival rate is less than 10% but he made it and is OK today. Again I thank you.


              darjeb wrote:

              I think I got the greatest gift in the world from the people on this Forum last September when my dog was so sick. You can’t imagine the feelings I got when I read all your hopes, best wishes, cares and prayers for him. I am sure that had a great deal to do with his recovery. For that type of thing the vets at the emergency clinic told me later the survival rate is lest than 10% but he made it and is OK today. Again I thank you.

              That is so awesome! 😀 I don’t think I remember that though.


                Putting it briefly – He had an inverted stomach and if I hadn’t taken him to the emergency clinic immediately I would have lost him.

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