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      Ditto what Ski said. I do not always get to reply to your posting’s PD, but i have read most and felt that they were sincere.

      but something you did mention i thought i would comment on:

      purpledoggy wrote:

      When I post on here I post as if I’m talking to a friend so I kind of tell you guys everything.

      now this is not directed at just you PD, it is really gerneral, I was thinking about the other side of this…feeling free with sharing our daily happenings. I think it is wise for us to keep in mind the fact that anything we post is open for any one to read that traverse this forums, not just the members. so while the forum for some is a great support, we should also keep in mind that when we publicly post something personal that is happening to us here, ANY ONE can read it.( kind of like writing your problem on a sign and displaying it in a busy subway. it won;t be just your freinds that read it)


        when I had surgery on my arm I posted about it… and showed icky pictures afterward…

        it’s crap that happened and I thought I’d share…

        but like Ski and everyone else was saying… stuff that you can do something about and choose not to… or stuff that sounds so out of this world that happens over and over again…

        that’s what I consider whining…

        and there’s a lot of post I don’t respond to… but that doesn’t mean I don’t care… just means I have nothing productive to say…

        and I’m not very good with the sad stuff anyway… 😕


          KoishiiKitty wrote:

          Ditto what Ski said. I do not always get to reply to your posting’s PD, but i have read most and felt that they were sincere.

          but something you did mention i thought i would comment on:

          purpledoggy wrote:

          When I post on here I post as if I’m talking to a friend so I kind of tell you guys everything.

          now this is not directed at just you PD, it is really gerneral, I was thinking about the other side of this…feeling free with sharing our daily happenings. I think it is wise for us to keep in mind the fact that anything we post is open for any one to read that traverse this forums, not just the members. so while the forum for some is a great support, we should also keep in mind that when we publicly post something personal that is happening to us here, ANY ONE can read it.( kind of like writing your problem on a sign and displaying it in a busy subway. it won;t be just your freinds that read it)

          This is true. Anyone of the 1.4 BILLION people (not making that number up!) can come here and read anything that is posted on these forums. Well, okay, let’s be serious, not all of them read English and obviously we don’t get even more than 1% of that daily, but the fact is that anyone can see what we post here, and all of us as a whole represent the community.

          Have you (not Kioshii, I know she has one) ever considered an online blog? Now mind you, anything you post to the internet is never 100% safe and private, but you can set the blog up however you want, either private, or so only some individuals can see, or so everyone can see. You can set up your interests and even find new friends that way. It’s a great way to let off steam, and have friends that support you that is less in the public eye– and only those that want to see will see. 🙂

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


          I’ve got a blog on MySpace, set to private, and I have to say that a blog is a great way to blow off steam or bounce around when you’re happy, and you can share it with whoever you want.


            I’ve got a blog on myspace where I pretty much posted the same stuff that I posted on here. I know that everyone who surfs the net can read my posts but I didn’t post anything that I don’t mind just anyone reading. I also posted about my husbands transplant on the mustang board I visit (I know some of the people there in rl) and I posted on my everquest quild forum. I used to post every day on the mustang forum but since I no longer have the extra money to modify my car I find it kind of depressing to go there so I just wanted to update some of the guys there what was going on with my and why I wasn’t around anymore. As for the everquest guild I’ve been playing with them for over two years so we are all kind of buddy buddy and they know Danny (Kraven) so I figured they should know what was going on with him and why he was never on. We were both officers of the guild and it was pretty active so I didn’t want them to think we just dropped off the face of the planet. I wouldn’t post anything on here that I didn’t want joe public reading. If a non forum member came on here, read my story and got inspiration/knowledge from it then that makes me happy. Also the only reason I posted the pictures was because Danny told me to (well he told me to post them on the cf boards but I figured he wouldn’t mind if I did it here too). I was just so proud of him for what he went through and wanted to share. The whole thing was just amazing to see and I figured if I found fascinating maybe someone else would too. Also like frozen I don’t always post on everyone elses threads because 1) I am no good with words and even in rl when someone has a problem I don’t know what to say and 2) usually someone else has said what I’m thinking so I don’t want to post the same thing twice.


              WOW took some time to get thru all 4 pages!!
              I have only recieved 1 gift that I will treasure forever!! When my mom passed away last April I got home one day to find a Windstone box that had a Gold Curl dragon in it whit a card. I was brought to tears.
              I have had the same feelings that some have talked about feeling strange talking about some thigs here BUT I do not feel like we can’t talk about them here. We have all, for the most part, come here to vent in some way or other.
              I have also wondered about the validity to some things but if that is the only way some can get attention then so be it. I actaully got a PM from someone once that was having trouble and it said I fu@&ing hate you. I reported it to John and called it a day. I was shocked to get such a PM from someone here but they where having a bad day or week I guess???
              Sometimes the only way things can fell better to us is if we talk them thru. I know some write journals either public or private BUT that does not give the human touch.
              I fell it sort of like an emotional bank some time you need to make a deposit and sometimes a withdrawl I jsut have toe trust that most people here are honest
              I do remember feeling like some here where not so trusting when my mom passed and I even said if Iknew how to post things I would post her death Certificate BUT I really hope it does not come down to something like that.
              I totally understand the feelings of distrust though. I have felt less then welcome here many time myself


                purpledoggy wrote:

                Also like frozen I don’t always post on everyone elses threads because 1) I am no good with words and even in rl when someone has a problem I don’t know what to say and 2) usually someone else has said what I’m thinking so I don’t want to post the same thing twice.

                I’m the same way. Glad I’m not alone. I always read everything, but can’t always make a reply on it…


                Dragon Master wrote:

                I have felt less then welcome here many time myself

                I’m sorry. 🙁


                DM, that’s horrible!!!


                I’ve been thinking about this a lot the last couple of days and I would hate to see the “gifts” come to an end. When you’re in trouble or hurting, it can really help to know someone out there still cares. The down side is, since these are random acts of kindness, not everyone will get something. I’m not really sure how to fix that. 😕

                Also those of us, who are more private and don’t post about our troubles, will just have to accept that people can’t show they care if they don’t know the situation exists. 😕

                I still think it should be limited to one group forum gift per person though. I haven’t changed my mind about that. If there is anyone out there who wants to take advantage of our generosity, at least they’ll only be able to do so once.

                Okay…I’m done now (star steps down off soapbox) 😆


                I say people don’t necessarily know exactly who I am on here, so I don’t mind some things.

                I like the one group gift per person though. So that no one can take advantage multiple times, and that.

                I don’t post to everything either, only if I want to say something. I find myself writing something, finding it either inappropriate, or just a repeat of what’s already been said so just close the window and move on.


                  DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…

                    for real… that’s a bit nutso…

                    and I seriously hate that f word…


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      DM, who cussed at you in a PM like that?? Dang, even I have not sworn at someone like that and I tend to get a little riled sometimes…

                      For sure. DM, if someone is harassing you, or anyone else like that via PM, I want to hear it. I will keep it confidential if you want.

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                      My art: featherdust.com


                        🙁 That suck DM. I’m sorry someone was so mean to you.
                        Nobody deserves that! 👿

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