
What determines this?

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      Kujacker wrote:

      KoishiiKitty wrote:

      there are a LOT of people that go there trouble. lol, but posting it online is not for every one.

      I normally keep personal issues to myself. This year has been the worst ever, and we’re going thru a medical thing that “you hear about, but it never happens to you” thing. Not to mention what happened to one of my cats.
      I just tend to keep to myself… I just don’t know how I’d feel to type it all out on a public area.

      i know what you mean 🙁

      because I deal with PTS I have a lot of “bad” day. some times it feels like most of my week is made up of mysery, and the previouse 3 years were extremely terrible on a high scales…….so there were a few times when i was at my limit that i vented..but I just can;t post every time i have a bad day or week. that is too personaly and i really do not want to be coming here just to say,” I had another bad day. this and this and this happened and it just is not making me feel good.”

      I hope things get better Ku. it makes me sad to hear that you are dealing with something like that 🙁


        I normally post about my problems after they are done. 😆


        Blackdesertwind wrote:

        purplecat wrote:

        but sometimes I have to just pick and choose a few topics…and then I feel bad later when I read about something that’s done and over…and I missed out on helping or participating. 🙁

        I have that problem too…I don’t always have the time to read everything and miss out on stuff.
        That is why I created that special list so when something comes up and members want to do something special all they have to do is contact me so I can get a hold of everyone on that list. 😀

        Dragon87 wrote:

        It’s kinda sad that there’s some people out there who would take advantage of peoples generosity.

        I never posted with the intent of getting a sympathy gift out of it, more because I needed to rant, or sometimes, need some neutral advice. So nothing wrong with posting problems, as long as it’s not with the intent of getting something.

        And I think it’s totally random, whatever strikes the need for a pick me up at the time.
        I agree with you Dragon87. We need to let it out at times. And when no one else will listen why not turn to our “FRIENDS” at the forum? There is noting wrong with that.
        I won’t post my problems or rant about it anymore because I don’t want members to think I’m doing it to get gifts.
        I posted some of my problems because I needed to have someone listen to me for once and I needed to let it out.
        It was never my intention to do it for a Windstone or gift.

        And Eaglefeather, your question has merit. 😉

        I do worry that some members will abuse and expect gifts.
        This is a great forum and I would like it to stay that way. 😉

        I rarely post my problems either, because most of them are small, and I can deal with it on my own, but I tend to post the bigger problems because besides family, I don’t have any non-online friends that I can talk to. You all are seriously the only friends that I have (besides my hubby). I can’t wait until I start being a full-time teacher because I can make friends then. My college friends tend to be just seasonal, and only while in class. I have only had two true friends in my life, and they are long gone. I love coming here everyday, and I often wish we could all get together and hang out, but that isn’t plausible. 😉


        Blackdesertwind wrote:

        Dragon87 wrote:

        It’s kinda sad that there’s some people out there who would take advantage of peoples generosity.

        I never posted with the intent of getting a sympathy gift out of it, more because I needed to rant, or sometimes, need some neutral advice. So nothing wrong with posting problems, as long as it’s not with the intent of getting something.

        And I think it’s totally random, whatever strikes the need for a pick me up at the time.
        I agree with you Dragon87. We need to let it out at times. And when no one else will listen why not turn to our “FRIENDS” at the forum? There is noting wrong with that.
        I won’t post my problems or rant about it anymore because I don’t want members to think I’m doing it to get gifts.
        I posted some of my problems because I needed to have someone listen to me for once and I needed to let it out.
        It was never my intention to do it for a Windstone or gift.

        And Eaglefeather, your question has merit. 😉

        I do worry that some members will abuse and expect gifts.
        This is a great forum and I would like it to stay that way. 😉

        I do it usually when Colin’s having the same problems as me, so mentioning them to him is like rubbing salt in an open wound so to speak (like the money problems). He’s usually my go-to cheer up guy. 😀

        But you guys are a close second. 😉 For cheering up, I mean…. not complaining to. I don’t have to complain to be cheered up. That’s what the Caturday forum is for! 😀

        EDIT: Darnit that still sounds wrong. You guys know what I mean, right???


          Yes! 😀




          YAY! Because I am having the darndest time typing today. 😀 Or is that everyday?


          frozendragon wrote:

          I agree with the one gift thing too… especially since some people seem to have a new drama or catastrophe every few days…

          🙁 😕

          I’m not one to spread my troubles around (especially since I don’t have too many. 😛 ) But I’m with Ski about posting after the drama is over (for myself; I’m not making demands of anyone else here).



            I honestly don’t feel I can post about most of my problems here anymore. So many of you are really great people, but there are too many strangers here now, and there are a tiny handful of people who haven’t been nice or understanding at all, and my current problems are mostly really sensitive things, I wouldn’t feel safe sharing them somewhere so public.

            I can always rant about stupid customers here though, at least. 🙂


            skigod377 wrote:

            I dont know who sent you those clothes. Sorry all!!! Group gift was for Purple.. *Hides face in shame…*

            I just wanted to let you know Ski, I get some of the best laughs when you goof-up, mess something up, apologize for something (whether founded or unfounded :D.)



            The funny thing about this topic is that anyone could organize this sort of thing, for any type of reason. There are just some people who are way more capable/organized. And then you have people like Ski, who just wing it and it still turns out well. 😛

            On the flip side, it was my choice, with no pressure at all, to donate for some and to not donate towards others. That is a benefit to this sort of RAoK (See below.)

            I definately believe in Random Acts of Kindness (RAoK) and that what you send out returns 10 fold. No, I don’t mean monetarily or specific to the act itself. It’s just my belief system and it’s worked for me very well so far! Considering this is the net we’re referring to, monetarily really is the only way to send out that Random Act of Kindness with someone organizing the rest of it.

            To know I brought a smile to someone is my thanks.

            Now, if I later find that they’re an ungrateful whelp! j/k

            Actually, now that I think about it, I’m not really joking. I don’t like finding out later that my generosity was received by someone who was unappreciative. I know plenty of people myself (not referring to the WE BBS, though I’m sure it could be a possibility) who deliberately will take advantage of the kindness of others. When I have discovered this about someone, I carried no grudge/ill will towards them, I simply refrained the next time the opportunity presented itself.

            As for me, my dirty laundry belongs in the wash, with the rest of my personal items! I might rant and ramble one day, but chances are, I wouldn’t be saying anything specific or personal and if I did, it’d be like Ski said, it would be long after it was over with, handled, emotionally dealt with, etc. It’s just me, I rarely tell my Mother things. 😎


              Great topic, and something I’ve been curious about, too…

              I love coming here and reading as much as I can, but don’t ever have enough time to get caught up. It’s like my weekly/monthly show and tell visit–I laugh, cry, gripe, complain, and squeak with all of you.

              I enjoy the resounding support you show each other, and even the occasional attitude adjustment–all of it helps me keep perspective for the real world.

              I think my favorite part of it all has to be the virtual support–all the hugs, cookies, and chocolate or whatever goodies are ‘sent’ out to folks! 😀


              I think I prefer sending out stuff to people who could use a cheer up, rather then receive something myself. You have never seen me so excited as when I am waiting for someone to receive something I sent them. I’m so bad at Christmas for that! 😀

              But I would still be angry if someone took advantage of that kindness, and it would probably sour my desire to give stuff to people, because I would never know if they were doing it to get something. 🙄


                I know I’ve posted alot of my personal stuff on here not thinking that someone could take it as whining. I had alot of stuff going on last year with my husbands illness and being pregnant (and the mom drama). I have zero friends in rl and I talk to you guys on here more then anyone else (except hubby). When he was waiting for his transplant I was an emotional disaster. I really needed someone to talk to because I just couldn’t handle what was going on. If it wasn’t for you guys I honestly don’t think I could have gotten through it all. I hope that no one took my posts as a plea for attention, I posted them because I needed some emotional support and you guys are so great for that. I’m trying to think of how to put my thoughts to words but its late and my brain isn’t working lol. When I post on here I post as if I’m talking to a friend so I kind of tell you guys everything. If you ever think I’m posting too much stuff or think I’m getting whiney someone please tell me because it is not my intention at all. I was floored when you guys sent me the black gold curlie after my husbands transplant and then the baby clothes and bear for Alyssa. I just don’t want anyone to think I post about my life events with the hopes of getting something in return (well besides friendship and support). I don’t think this is coming out right and blah I can’t think so I’m just gonna stop typing till I can put my words to keyboard better 😕


                  I never felt that way. Plus, there was never a question about your honesty… you even showed us pictures. Thats another thing that makes some folks leery about sending stuff… some worry that the poster may be lying their ass off… esp if its something like repeated horrible hospital visits followed by miraculous recoveries or someone they know being involved in a horrible tragedy with nothing on the news about them ever being there because of some obscure reason or another.


                  What Ski said. It’s all about the attitude, purpledoggy. There’s a small but significant difference between “reporting” (what you were doing, keeping us informed, with photos, with a positive outlook on how you were going to handle your problems) and just posting a rant for the umpteenth time about the same subject with no apparant intent of doing anything to change something none of us could change for that person. 😉

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