What color is….

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      ….Snerl? Is he a ‘natural’ color or is he like Black Sunset? How do you envision him? Does he have a mate and what is her name and coloring? And what about chickies? Or might he and his mate be similar to Adam and Eve in the Book Genisis in the Old Testament and are the Father and Mother of ALL Griphyons?




        Oooh, good questions! *eagerly awaits answers*


          You guys aren’t going to like this, but I have always envisioned him as pinkish fawn and gold.
          He is a strange griffin. Very goofy and good natured, and not very fierce.
          Yes, he has a mate and a chick, but his mate is a mare! He is the father of a hippogriff chick.
          Snerl has lion paws instead of eagle paws on the front, so his chick has lion paws on the front too.

          I figure hippogriffs are like Pygora goats. That is a breed that is created either by crossbreeding a pure bred pygmy goat with a purebred angora goat, or by breeding two pygoras together. So, you can get hippogriffs by breeding a griffin with a horse, or by breeding two hippogriffs.


            I think he sounds beautiful! And not strange at all. 😀

            Have you ever drawn any pictures of him/his family?


            He sounds delightful! 🙂


              I think he sounds beautiful


                I think he sounds beautiful


                  I think he sounds beautiful! And not strange at all. 😀

                  Have you ever drawn any pictures of him/his family?

                  Yes, I had dug out a sketch I did of Snerl and his family when I saw this question, but it is a little rough and I didn’t have time to mess with it. I’ll try to post it this weekend if I get a chance.


                    I think he sounds beautiful! And not strange at all. 😀

                    Have you ever drawn any pictures of him/his family?

                    Yes, I had dug out a sketch I did of Snerl and his family when I saw this question, but it is a little rough and I didn’t have time to mess with it. I’ll try to post it this weekend if I get a chance.

                    Yay! I’m looking forward to seeing it, thank you! 😀


                      I posted a drawing of Snerl and his family on the blog page!


                        That would make a great Christmas card for this year. 😉


                          That would make a great Christmas card for this year. 😉

                          It would!!

                          That’s a great picture, Melody!


                            beautiful and cute…

                            4 things I'm looking for:
                            1. Mother Meerkat
                            2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                            3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                            4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                              Oh thankies so much Melody! They are a gorgeous family! I’d like to see them in color and, just out of curiosity, why has Snerl got lion paws in both front and back instead of just in back?

                              thankies! they’re fabulous!

                              twindragonsmum :love:

                              JENNIFER HERE: I think the quote below is Melody’s response. She might have clicked ‘edit’ instead of ‘reply’ by accident!!

                              A few reasons: Because the logo needed to be very small and eagle paws were too detailed to show, and I liked the bumpy shape of the cat paws from the side.
                              I was also planning to make Snerl sculptures some day, and the cat paws are MUCH better for sculpture made out of gypsum!



                                Oh thankies so much Melody! They are a gorgeous family! I’d like to see them in color and, just out of curiosity, why has Snerl got lion paws in both front and back instead of just in back?

                                thankies! they’re fabulous!

                                twindragonsmum :love:

                                JENNIFER HERE: I think the quote below is Melody’s response. She might have clicked ‘edit’ instead of ‘reply’ by accident!!

                                A few reasons: Because the logo needed to be very small and eagle paws were too detailed to show, and I liked the bumpy shape of the cat paws from the side.
                                I was also planning to make Snerl sculptures some day, and the cat paws are MUCH better for sculpture made out of gypsum!

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