What About Big Flap Cats

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      khat7 wrote:

      How about some flying mice to go with those cats :squeak: Cats first though πŸ˜†

      Dk GreenGreenWhiteGrey

      Yes, please!

      twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



        To be more specific with a squeak, I’d love to see the large white Flap Cat produced in a greater number (as it’s on my wishlist lol!). πŸ™‚ But perhaps with different colour wings instead of white so it can actually be made again? A pearlised pale blue would look great I think.

        I would also squeak for a ginger cat.

        Oddly enough my cats are neither of these colours lol!


          purpleturtle wrote:

          I was wondering why Windstone does’nt prodution any more large and small flap cats anymore. It seems to me they would be very popular, not as popular as the dragons perhaps, but I know I would love to get a chance to buy some. I never have the money or the luck for eBay – which is where I usually find them – and the lp peices in the store always sell out way too quickly πŸ™„ .

          I know! I will do more! I love the flapcats too. I have a paint your own flapcat in the works, (There is a pic of the rough sculpt in my gallery somewhere) I fully intend to do a large bat winged one, and I’d love to do lots more…I can picture a whole mantle piece full of winged cats! All of my sculpting projects ( dozens of them!) have been shelved while our lives get put into a blender (boxes on moving trucks) and poured out again in Corvallis.


          Melody wrote:

          I know! I will do more! I love the flapcats too. I have a paint your own flapcat in the works, (There is a pic of the rough sculpt in my gallery somewhere) I fully intend to do a large bat winged one, and I’d love to do lots more…I can picture a whole mantle piece full of winged cats! All of my sculpting projects ( dozens of them!) have been shelved while our lives get put into a blender (boxes on moving trucks) and poured out again in Corvallis.

          Paint your own flapcats? I don’t remember hearing about this… 😯

          Yay for more fur and feathers, I suck at scales (at least from me early attempts).

          I would buy production ones too… I like cats! πŸ˜€


            YAY!!!! PYO Flappers, and more Winged Cats!!! Thank you Melody!! I’ll be good little girl and wait patiently for them πŸ˜€ .


            Yay! Flappers of all kinds!! I can’t wait to see large batwinged ones…Mmmm! πŸ˜€


              Melody wrote:

              I know! I will do more! I love the flapcats too. I have a paint your own flapcat in the works, (There is a pic of the rough sculpt in my gallery somewhere) I fully intend to do a large bat winged one, and I’d love to do lots more…I can picture a whole mantle piece full of winged cats! All of my sculpting projects ( dozens of them!) have been shelved while our lives get put into a blender (boxes on moving trucks) and poured out again in Corvallis.

              I think this is the picture you mean.


                I love my white flap cat and need another one in some kind of color to go with her so :squeak: for flappers (Bat winged flappers oh please please please)


                  Melody wrote:

                  purpleturtle wrote:

                  I was wondering why Windstone does’nt prodution any more large and small flap cats anymore. It seems to me they would be very popular, not as popular as the dragons perhaps, but I know I would love to get a chance to buy some. I never have the money or the luck for eBay – which is where I usually find them – and the lp peices in the store always sell out way too quickly πŸ™„ .

                  I know! I will do more! I love the flapcats too. I have a paint your own flapcat in the works, (There is a pic of the rough sculpt in my gallery somewhere) I fully intend to do a large bat winged one, and I’d love to do lots more…I can picture a whole mantle piece full of winged cats! All of my sculpting projects ( dozens of them!) have been shelved while our lives get put into a blender (boxes on moving trucks) and poured out again in Corvallis.

                  * is a happy kitty *


                    laphon1 wrote:

                    I so want a PYO Kitty (and I’m not even a cat person), but I just noticed the PYO kitty’s face is sort of pointed up? πŸ˜•


                    Hey, if THATS the PYO kitty, I cant pick up my jaw from the key board! I large PYO kitty would RULE. I would love small ones too but the large is awesomeness! Dont mind which way his head is faced but MUST say that it’s very very cool to have a “mate in position” for the large production flappers so they can face the way they do in the photo.

                    Oooooooooo Mel Belle! Cant wait till you get to this. But now worries, I know youre busy and Im broke πŸ˜†


                      PhoenixTears wrote:

                      Hey, if THATS the PYO kitty, I cant pick up my jaw from the key board! I large PYO kitty would RULE. I would love small ones too but the large is awesomeness! Dont mind which way his head is faced but MUST say that it’s very very cool to have a “mate in position” for the large production flappers so they can face the way they do in the photo.

                      Oooooooooo Mel Belle! Cant wait till you get to this. But now worries, I know youre busy and Im broke πŸ˜†

                      I’m anxiously awaiting these too! Oooh, I have sooo many ideas…. πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                        Purple, then you really could have a Purple cat! πŸ™‚

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