What About Big Flap Cats

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      I was wondering why Windstone does’nt prodution any more large and small flap cats anymore. It seems to me they would be very popular, not as popular as the dragons perhaps, but I know I would love to get a chance to buy some. I never have the money or the luck for eBay – which is where I usually find them – and the lp peices in the store always sell out way too quickly 🙄 .



          I’d love to see some of the large short-haired flap cats in new colours. I only have the black one and it probably will always be my favourite but new colours would be great. 🙂


            Put it in your squeaks, I’ve been bugging Melody for a large Bat Winged Flapper to go with the Bird Wings. :squeak: :squeak:


              squeak squeak!! More flappers! 🙂 The world needs a production large kitty. Maybe some sort of brown tabby?


              :squeak: :squeak: :squeak: More cats, any color :squeak: :squeak: :squeak:

              Dk GreenGreenWhiteGrey


              I MOST certainly :squeak: for ANY kind of new flappers! PWEEEEEASE!!!! Cats RULE!


                New flappers and a pyo flapper, too, please!!


                  I never thought to “squeek” about flap cats but here I go… :squeak: :squeak: :squeak: !!!! Wait a sec, how about “meowing” for flappers…meow,meow, meow. 😀 I would LOVE to see some PYO cats as well. I feel a little guilty asking for them considering how busy Melody is :oops:, but I think I can speak for everyone in the forum when I say we appreciate her and all of her beautiful creations 😉


                    Don’t worry, purpleturtle. Melody is used to all of the squeeking by now and she knows we have (some) patience. 😆


                      I suppose while we’re squeaking about flap cats…

                      I’d like to make an official :squeak: for what some call pixie cats, fairy cats, and what I like to call skitterflies. Namely, insect-winged flap cats. My original doodle of one had translucent dragonfly wings, which I suppose would be impossible to duplicate in sculpture, but I still stand by my squeak.

                      I mean, just the thought of that beautiful flap cat base with luna moth or swallowtail wings or iridescent dragonfly wings just makes me want to melt into a puddle of bliss. 😆


                        *nods* They sound beautiful, Skitterfly: -)


                          Skitterfly wrote:

                          I suppose while we’re squeaking about flap cats…

                          I’d like to make an official :squeak: for what some call pixie cats, fairy cats, and what I like to call skitterflies. Namely, insect-winged flap cats. My original doodle of one had translucent dragonfly wings, which I suppose would be impossible to duplicate in sculpture, but I still stand by my squeak.

                          I mean, just the thought of that beautiful flap cat base with luna moth or swallowtail wings or iridescent dragonfly wings just makes me want to melt into a puddle of bliss. 😆

                          OMG-THAT WOULD BE SOOO COOL 😯 Thats an awsome idea Skitterfly! That would make a great PYO 😀 .


                          Skitterfly, that sounds awesome. The only problem I possibly foresee is that with those kind of wings, theyd likely have to be outstretched- insect wings are usually such. Melody has always maintained that such outstretched or spread wings would be very hard on casting. I know many ppl have requested that she do some pegasi and dragons with wings in flight but she says they are likely not to hold up. I still love the idea and have faith that if ANYONE can find a way to make it happen, it would be our lovely Melody.


                          How about some flying mice to go with those cats :squeak: Cats first though 😆

                          Dk GreenGreenWhiteGrey

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