Whale Watching*new photos pg2*

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      OOooh, I love the jellies! Sooo neat! 😀


      Those are so beautiful! I am happy you saw so many different animals!


      Hey Koishi, i remember talking about whale pickies ages ago! Yours are lovely, you are very lucky. I remember when i was swimming in the English Channel for crying outloud and bumped into a Sun Fish! I nearly had a heart attack its flippin FREEZING in the Chanel!
      I hope uoi get some great pickies of Orca soon 😀


        Griffiness wrote:

        Hey Koishi, i remember talking about whale pickies ages ago! Yours are lovely, you are very lucky. I remember when i was swimming in the English Channel for crying outloud and bumped into a Sun Fish! I nearly had a heart attack its flippin FREEZING in the Chanel!
        I hope uoi get some great pickies of Orca soon 😀

        YEAH. ooo freezing water!!! Sun fish are so cool though.

        I am going to try for the spring for Orca…and if that fails, once we move I want to take a trip up to Vancuver island and do Orca watching there.


        I had never seen a sunfish before, i thought it was a half dead bird with its wing flapping around 😆 Go Orca watching from Victoria, fly out on the sea plane from Vancouver!!!


        Great photos! 😀 Looks like you had a fantastic time; the wildlife clearly didn’t mind the boat you were in, and the crew sure knew where to go to see stuff. You chose the right group!

        I remember a bay trip we took as schoolkids out of San Diego, to study the local sea life. On our way in, we passed the Rainbow Warrior heading out. Way cool! 🙂


        Wow! Those are great! Love the mola mola & jellies! Too cool. Ha ha… we saw seal lions when we went… and um… fog… 😆


          boskydragon wrote:

          Wow! Those are great! Love the mola mola & jellies! Too cool. Ha ha… we saw seal lions when we went… and um… fog… 😆

          lol. well the whale photos are on the first page. we got to see quite a few humpbacks.


          yeah, I was jealous over the humpbacks as well 😉 but I did get to see them once w/my sister. Still, you take great pics.


          Those are really great photos. I love the shots of the jellies.

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