Whale Watching*new photos pg2*

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    Awesome pics, I wish I could have been there. I lived on the Central Coast for 20 years and never got to go whale watching, man did I miss out.

    Someday I think we have to go.

    Great pictures though, makes it almost like we went with you. Love the seal shot, that one is gorgous.



      My sister and I did it MANY years ago and all we had to do was go to San Francisco on the Warf and there where little booths on the street selling ticket for Whale Watching and Altatraz, I still want to do that one day


      Great pics! Thanks for sharing 🙂 I’ve gone twice, but need to tag along with you sometime! Wow!


        Very nice photos! I work on a boat, so I occasionally have the pleasure of seeing breaching whales or flukes 🙂 Never a mother and a calf, though 🙁


        KoishiiKitty wrote:

        eaglefeather831 wrote:

        Thise are wonderful pictures! Just curious, how does one sign up for whale watching? I might do it someday if I get the chance!

        For this one, this is in Monterey Bay and I chose the Charter called Sanctuary Cruises. They boat is owned by a green peace activist so the captains respect the whales and do not chase after them, and if too many other boats show up, they leave so as to not stress out the whales. You simply purchase your tickets online for this one and print out the confirmation page they give you. drive down to the dock on the day of your cruise and some one is there to greet you and make sure you have printed the right slip showing you payed. then you board the boat.

        Hmmm…I’ll remember that for when I can go someday! Thanks. 😉


          More photos:

          we saw a Mola Mola! that was sooo cool! I was not expecting it!

          another shot of the lone male, you can actualy see the inside of the blow hole.


            Beautiful photos!!! I feel like I was there!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! 😀


              you guys are welcome. it was a really cool trip and i wanted to share it with every one here!


                😀 OMG! Those pictures are great! Thank you for sharing! I just love seing pictures


                Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!


                Wow! Great Pictures and Thanks for Sharing!!!!


                  Great Pics Koshii! How big was your Mola Mola? They’re a neat fish aren’t they? And the pics of the Jellys are beautiful!


                    foxfeather wrote:

                    Great Pics Koshii! How big was your Mola Mola? They’re a neat fish aren’t they? And the pics of the Jellys are beautiful!

                    I would say 3-3 and a half feet. a medium sized one.


                      Great pix, esp. the jellies!


                        Those are wonderful pictures! That camera was a wonderful purchase.

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