Werewolf Art Update! NEW VIDEO!

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    VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzBzpVDDx_Y

    Ok, got the YouTube video to work…it was too long last time by a few seconds. Anyway here’s samples of illustrations from the werewolf book. Let me know what you think and enjoy!


    EDIT: For only a couple days I’m allowing the public to preview finished sketches (un-inked) of the “Anatomy of a Werewolf” book. You can view them here: http://www.watergazersden.com/forum/763
    Feel free to comment but you’ll have to do so in this forum topic.
    This is NOT the entirety of sketches for the book, just a wide range of what I’m gonna have included.
    All sketches are for sale-I’m taking best offers. If you’re interested in any, let me know. All sketches will get inked prior to them being shipped (some are already inked).
    Pre-orders of the book cost $35 which does not include shipping (shipping will be requested at a future time). I do ship worldwide.
    Pre-orders come with a hand-carved bone pendant necklace of a werewolf pawprint.
    All profits from the sales go towards medical bills.


    I am so sorry I haven’t been around. But I’ve been away due to health, having a baby, and numerous other issues. I wanted to let everyone know I am still working on the werewolf anatomy book and still taking some pre-orders since a few people have emailed me questions on that. If you’re interested let me know. The book will be $35 (not taking shipping $$ at this time but I will ship worldwide). Not sure how many pages there will be but probably at least 200. It’s gonna be spiral bound for easier browsing and using as artistic referance.

    The book has increased in size. It has over 1,500 illustrations now (might get up to 2,000!) and I have included, at the end, a small how-to-draw section on werewolves. I’m throwing in some wildlife photos of animals and several free color bookmarks.

    Unfortunately the book can’t be in color but the images will all be inked. I’m also going to be selling the originals for whatever price I can get for ’em (best offer kinda thing). I was planning to do this after the book was published already but I may have to do it sooner since the medical bills are pressing hard on us…I’ll keep you posted.

    Here’s my latest work-in-progress pieces:

    Also, here’s pictures of my baby Nicholas (and one of my pug, Mugsy): http://www.watergazersden.com/node/33861 and yes he has casts on both legs. He was born with clubfoot and needs weekly castings to correct the problem, but it should be fixed by the time he begins to learn to walk. He may need a bar brace between his legs for a while though to keep his feet straight and facing down. It sucks right now because we can’t bathe him other than sponge baths at best, since the casts go right up to the groin and he can’t get wet below the hips.

    Please note: ALL (and I mean ALL) profits from the werewolf book will go to paying off the crazy medical bills I got and also to buy necessities for Nicky-so you can actually use your PayPal reciept as a tax write-off as a charity thing if you want. Luckily, I am also no longer having to take shots in my stomach every day now that Nicky is born! Yay!

    So, that’s what’s going on with me as of late. This book will be some of the last artwork I do, at least for the mainstream and with the purpose of selling. I just want a more stress-free mental state, take care of my new family and spend my time with them, and art-for-profit is a huge bring down and cause of problems. I am stepping away from that now.

    Unrelated note: I got pulled into a different kind of on-line game. Since I don’t do on-line games and have too much time invested in baby care and my book, this works out perfect since it takes place in real time and is simplistic in nature…just a diversion really, a few minutes a day, involving vampires versus werewolves. Want to get bitten by myself as a werewolf? Click here: http://s4.bite-fight.us/c.php?uid=22311
    see what happens. And, if you want, you can join the game as my creation!

    FOR A BRIEF TIME ONLY on my forum I am allowing this forum
    So that’s it for now folks. I will update soon!



    It’s great to see you again, Watergazer. I’m glad all is well – more or less – with you and Nicky. He’s a sweet-looking baby.
    Tanks for the updated – I ca’t wait to get my copy.


      Welcome back Watergazer and congratulations on Nicky! He’s really cute!

      Awesome! It looks like your book is coming along nicely! BTW, I would like to get a copy, but I’m not sure what your ordering process is. I’d also like to put in some bids on some of the originals, but again, I have no idea how you’re planning on doing this. Do you have an email I can reach you at?


      Thank you. Also, if you wanted to pre-order the book I do take PayPal at Watergazer@Comcast.net, and you can email me at that address too. As for sketches, you can mail me which ones you like. I did sell a couple of them but most are still available. It’s first-come, first-serve, and best offers…no bids or set price tags. Also, I am trying to post a video on YouTube with more artwork shown. We’ll see how that goes. If I get one up I’ll post again tonight with a link.


      I got the video up and working: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzBzpVDDx_Y


        I am most definately impressed! I sent you an email!


          Hey that bitefight game is kinda fun!


          The newborn pup sketch is so cute.


            awesome! I love the video!
            I was like “Ahh! stop! show that one again” all time 🙂
            anyhow, I definitly want a book 🙂


            I just wanted to inform y’all that I got my copy of Watergazer’s Anatomy of a Werewolf book yesterday.
            I am impressed beyond words. Each page is handwritten, illustrated, chock full of detail, everything and I mean everything is covered, and she even found room to include other were-creatures. It’s over 300 pages long and the most comprehensive reference work I’ve ever seen for a single type of mythological/legendary/fantasy creature.
            I highly recommend this book to anybody even slightly interested in werewolves because it’s great.


              Is she still selling them? Where would we go to get a copy?


                Really? I was waiting for these to come out! Hurray! Now I just need to contact her to order one! 🙂

                It appears she isn’t using her forum site much anymore, but she is on livejournal: http://watergazerden.livejournal.com

                You can order one from her directly if you contact her ( watergazer@comcast.net ).


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  I just wanted to inform y’all that I got my copy of Watergazer’s Anatomy of a Werewolf book yesterday.
                  I am impressed beyond words. Each page is handwritten, illustrated, chock full of detail, everything and I mean everything is covered, and she even found room to include other were-creatures. It’s over 300 pages long and the most comprehensive reference work I’ve ever seen for a single type of mythological/legendary/fantasy creature.
                  I highly recommend this book to anybody even slightly interested in werewolves because it’s great.

                  I second this. It is just awesome! She also has a CD version available for $25.00 if I remember correctly.


                  Siberakh is right; you’re probably best off e-mailing her directly. Or you can get in touch with her over DA if you have an account there. She also has a version on CD, as a PDF, that’s a bit cheaper and includes color illustrations. Personally, I prefer books to digital anything… But either way, do get a copy. It’s too good to miss.

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