Went to the Horror Convention :D

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    we had a full day at the Horrorfind convention today . Its an annual thing we have in Maryland call Horrorfind weekend, where you get to meet movie actors and authors . I got to meet Bill Mosley from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 , Sid Haige from devils rejects and many apperances on the old Adam West Batman show as a reocurring jewel thief .

    I also got to meet Rowdy Roddy Piper from the 80’s WWF wrasslin . he was a really cool guy he asked what my hat ment and i told him about my TX , he was really surprised to hear about it . We then spoke about his Lymphomia he had and i wished him well, he thanked me and said no one really asks him how he is doing only about old wrasslin days . He went over to Alyssa who was asleep of course and said how blessed we were with the whole TX thing and began to talk to her …till my cousin ran up acting like Hulk Hogan which was funny but i think annoyed Piper.

    We got Alyssa a new toy a Teddy Scare , its a Frankenstien esk teddy that is really cool . PD got another one of her Mcfarlaine Dragons some retired huge one that she has been looking for and for retail price too no mark up . Here are some pics

    Me and Bill Mosley

    Me and Sid Haige

    Me and Hot Rod Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Laurie and a Werewolf

    Alyssa’s new toy bear

    And for giggles me and my cousin fondeling each other


    Well it certainly looks like you guys had fun 😆


      /thread hijack
      He didn’t post the picture of Alyssa and I so I figured I would post it. Plus it shows off the baby sling I made the other day. I’m so proud of myself for being able to sew in a straight line on a sewing machine lol. She feel asleep in the sling not long after he took the pic so we ended up leaving since it was late anyway.

      /endthread hijack


      I can honestly say that I am so freaking jealous, that would be an awesome convention to go to, ahh someday.


      Sounds like you both had fun! Purpledoggy, that sling is beautiful! How long did it take you to make it? Alyssa certainly looks comfortable in it! 😀 Necron, what are the tattoos on your and your cousin’s arm? (nice fondling pic, by the way. 😆 )


      purpledragonclaw wrote:

      Sounds like you both had fun! Purpledoggy, that sling is beautiful! How long did it take you to make it? Alyssa certainly looks comfortable in it! 😀 Necron, what are the tattoos on your and your cousin’s arm? (nice fondling pic, by the way. 😆 )

      mine is 3 frogs on a celtic ring of eternal life that PD drew for me about 7 years ago. Kory has a monsters head that goes down to the palm of his hand , the teeth are on his wrist. yeah we tend to be quite open with one another 😛


        Once I actually got all the stuff together I took me maybe an hour to make it. I used two and a half yards of 45″ fabric. I took 15″ off the width, hemmed the sides then pleated the one side that I sewed the rings on to. I need to take a pic of the whole thing since you can’t see it in the picture. The rings are made just for baby slings so they will hold up to baby weight. It was really easy to make and easy to use once you practice a carry or two.


          Necron, pardon my ignorance 😳 What is the TX that you talk about?



            He’s talking about his lung transplant. He always says tx instead of spelling the whole thing out. I guess he just thinks everyone knows what tx stands for.


              Thankies! Why tx? 😳



                The medical field is lazy about abbreviations. They tend to abbreviate many things by taking the first letter of the actual word and using “x” as the wildcard. Off the top of my head I can think of: Dx for diagnosis, Hx for history, Fx for fracture, and Rx for prescription (using the Latin recipere, or recipe). But this is one that they could at least vary a little more. Tx is also used for treatment, therapy, transfusion, and traction. 😕

                At least in the US… I wonder how it is elsewhere.


                Well looks like you all had fun…

                The fondling pic is great. 😆


                Sadly, the world is all about money. The more the better…even if you have more than enough. So, I’m afraid that they’ll probably never be free again, unless they lose their fame.
                Glad you had fun!


                twindragonsmum wrote:

                Thankies! Why tx? 😳

                like Maebnus3 said it is part lazy , but when your on the CF or transplant boards its just quicker to write it TX instead of the full word all the time, its now just become a habit to shorten it

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