Well then Miss Basilisk

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  • #590641

    Carry them? Impossible! I’ve got an OW, a Riser, Guardian Dragon and Roaring Sentinel Gargoyles, a Hippogriff and ten other smaller pieces. I can’t carry all those. But I will get a picture of the boxes all together. πŸ˜€


      How will you get them home? Can you ship that much as luggage or will you just ship them in the usual way? πŸ˜•


      Actually, Wolfen will take me and the boxes up to Galveston and we’ll put all two tons of the stuff into a cargo crate and ship it like that. Airmail shipping would be way too expensive.


        One of the troops in my company just got a pug. Ugly creature, that. Big bug eyes 😯 German breeders are not the place for Americans to get puppies.

        GB, I am sure the time will fly and you will be back home in no time… Probably thanking your lucky stars you live in Switzerland!


        Well, the American lifestyle is very different from the Swiss way, believe it or not…


          In what ways are they different? πŸ˜•


          In terms of punctuality, for example. Or the people. Swiss are friendly, but very close. They’re not as outgoing as Americans. Everything depends on schedule, here. Swiss clocks, you know. No ad-libbing. Cleanliness of the big cities is another thing. Also the sheer amount of stuff. All the cheap stuff, all the shopping, all the fake money. It’s kind of hard to point out a lot of differences. Mostly it’s small and insignificant, but an outsider notices it.


            I wouldn’t mind the clean cities and the schedules. It would be nice. With respect to “cheap stuff”, are you saying there is more available in Switzerland than there is here? What types of merchandise? It seems like we have lots of cheap stuff, mostly “made in China”, around here….but I do live in a tourist area. πŸ˜€


            No, there’s more cheap stuff in the States. Way more. And even the higher-quality stuff is priced way lower than it would be here. There are plenty of opportunities for shopping here too, but malls, thank goodness, are very few an far between, and anytime a new one goes up it’s criticized as another Konsumtempel – temple to consumerism. Basically life centers around work here and seems to center around shopping in the States. Stereotypes, you know.


              So that’s what’s wrong….I’ve been centering my life on work and not shopping!!! πŸ˜†


              πŸ˜† πŸ˜† That’s just a stereotype, remember.


                Darn!! I thought I had a good excuse to change my lifestyle!!! πŸ˜†

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