Well, that was fun…not!

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      Glad to hear everythings ok. PM’d you


        Ah ouch….when I was 10 I stepped on a nail, put it all the way through my foot… it swelled like a balloon, and I had to have a barrage of shots. Not fun. I felt like a living pincushion. πŸ™„


        lamortefille wrote:

        Poor kid…I guess some of just like to learn the hard way…I have the scars to prove it. πŸ™

        You and me both…I too didn’t listen to mom and sliced my foot open, so I guess he’s definately my kid.




          Awwww poor baby. I cut my foot when I was little too and it hurt like a demon.


          My son is so cool though, he interrogated the doctor himself, asked if it would hurt, and glared at him when the doc dared to start to fib. He told him, my Mommy said the shot to numb it hurts, so don’t try to tell me it won’t, what I want to know is how long is it going to hurt when you do it?

          Then he settled and let the doc start, but wavered a second and said, Mommy, I don’t think I can do this. But we reassured him and he cried a bunch while the doc was injecting him, but after about a minute he realized that the pain was all gone. He then looked at me and said, Hey, that feels weird!

          When his Dad called and asked how it went, Alex told him it wasn’t that bad getting stitches.

          I love my son, he was so brave…



            that is incredible bravery!!! 😯 😯 I wouldnt have been that good…. 😳


              purplecat wrote:

              that is incredible bravery!!! 😯 😯 I wouldnt have been that good…. 😳

              I agree and me either! I want to run away, just reading about it! 😳


                Glad you got in and out of ER in less than one hour that has to be a record anywhere. Hope his foot get OK quickly.


                Oh gosh, Kyrin, I’m glad everything’s okay. That is a record for ER; I remember my brother going in and we had a 3hr wait!!! I think we all know from experience that kids will learn things the hard way. Kids do the opposite of what their parents tell them to! I remember being in a chair in a restaurant, rocking back and forth; my parents said “Don’t do that, you’ll fall.” CRASH!! I get back up and rock again, and now the restaurant’s watching. “Don’t do it again.” CRASH!!!!! A man at the table behind us said “When’s she gonna get it?” CRASH!!!!!!!!!!! Now the whole restaurant is staring, and I was embarassed but defiant. They all watched to see what I would do next. I sat there and STEWED. I’d show them! They expect me to fall now, so I won’t. And then everything settled down.

                That said, I told my mother about your son; she read it and gave me the idea to post my own childhood experiences. Barrdwing, she loved your stories!! πŸ˜†


                Aw, brave boy! Poor Kyrin! I’m glad all’s well, but it’s certainly hard on your heart as a mom to watch your kid go through something like that.


                Well done, Alex! πŸ™‚ What a brave guy. He kept his head a lot better than I ever did when faced with a shot. Thinking through the progression of events like that and deciding that yes, he could face the pain of the local because he’d feel better afterward: I’m impressed. It’s not easy to think logically when you’re hurting and on an adrenaline push. I’d bet the doctor was impressed by his courage and composure too.


                heh, I have a brother named Alex…although from how your Alex handled things he sounds a lot braver than my brother…My brother was I think 11 and had to go have a couple warts removed, and they were going to do something with a needle, numb the area I guess, and then freeze them off? anyway…you could hear him screaming “OH MY GOD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” all the way into the waiting area and further. It took two nurses and my mom to hold him down. We still tease him about it now πŸ˜€

                Edited to say: He started screaming this before they even did anything. He saw the needle and freaked out.

                I’m glad things went better for you.


                Alex only cried while the injections were going on, then as the anesthetic kicked in, he stopped. I think it helped that I was honest with him about what would happen, and how much it would hurt.

                What makes me mad is when the doctor lies to you and says things like, “You’re gonna feel some pressure.” Bullcrap, it is going to hurt like hoolies, tell the truth! I’ve decided next time I need stitches, as long as it isn’t more than 10, I am skipping the damn anesthetic.

                I was honest with Alex from the start and explained the whole process on the way to the hospital, so he knew exactly what was going to happen. I think it helps a lot to be prepared, and I think knowing that Mommy and Daddy have both gone through it too helped as well.

                I also won’t let the doctor lie about pain, I think it is mean to not be honest that it is going to hurt, and hurt a lot at first. It feels like betrayal to be told it won’t hurt and then have it hurt like blazes. I don’t understand why they lie to us, when it undermines trust like that.



                  I’ve been going to my doctor for 20 years and he’s funny. He says ok this will hurt, here’s my nurses arm to bite down on. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                    πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

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