Well, that was fun…not!

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    What a day! Went out to take my best friend to a doctor’s appt, and left my kids with a dear friend, well my son would get off the bus there at 4pm. Anyway, we get back and Alex and the other two older kids are running around the yard.

    I sit down to chat with my friend for a few minutes before gathering up the kids to leave, and then chaos ensues as Ty comes running in with my son in his arms, my son is screaming to wake the dead and blood is everywhere from a cut on his foot.

    Ty patches him up and gets the bleeding under control and bandaged, then I pack up the other kiddo, and my best friend and we head to my house to drop off the baby and my friend. Then head over to the hospital.

    Amazingly they took him right away, and we were in and out of there in less than an hour, talk about a record for ER visits. My son now has 6 stitches in his foot. What is truly amazing is that this is the first serious injury he’s ever had. He did really well though and is now in bed.

    I will be following since I have to be up at 3am for work. Anyway, it’s been a day.

    Just glad that he’s okay and it isn’t serious. Whew, could have been worse.




      Oh my! I’m so glad things turned out okay!


      How did he cut his foot? I’m glad he’s okay!! May I suggest a zip top bag shipping taped around the foot when he showers? (Can u tell I’ve gotten foot stitches?)


        Aww so sorry to hear about your son’s foot. *Hugs* Taking kids to the ER is never a good experience.


        DragonMistress wrote:

        How did he cut his foot? I’m glad he’s okay!! May I suggest a zip top bag shipping taped around the foot when he showers? (Can u tell I’ve gotten foot stitches?)

        He took his shoes off, he’s been told a million times to leave them on, especially at Betty’s. Their landlord used parts of the property as a trash dump for a long time and while they have cleaned it up considerably, you never know what is out there, so the rule is, shoes stay on at all times.

        Do they listen, not really…we’re always going out there and making them put them back on. I think it will be awhile before Alex runs around barefoot again.



        Eep, glad he’s okay. Did he get a tetanus shot?


          OMG!!!! how terrifying!!! I’m glad they got you in and out of the ER quick though, that must be a record for sure! 😯 Any idea of what actually caused the cut? Metal, glass…etc?


            I’m glad your son is okay! How scary! But boys are supposed to get hurt and it won’t be the last time! 😆


            Boy, talk about one of those examples of “I shoulda listened to Mom”! 😯 I had some painful childhood experiences that came from not listening to my parents; I eventually decided that they were prescient, because they were always right about what would happen! 😆 “Don’t run on wet bricks, they’re slippery.” “Don’t bother the horse right now, he’s not in a good mood.” “Don’t go up the hill barefoot, we just trimmed the bouganviella.”

            I feel badly for Alex–what a horrible experience–but it sounds like he’s holding up OK. And maybe now he’ll remember that Mom is Always Right! 😉


              Glad your little guy is alright. Now you get to say, “Remember that time I told you…and you didn’t?? Look what happened…”


              Wowie! I am glad his first big boo boo wasn’t too serious! I remember my tom-boy days and all of the bloody messes I got in! Cutting open my head on a motorbike… getting a gash right under my eye…I almost lost an eye in that one, so I hope his future mishaps go well! (If that makes sense!)


              purplecat wrote:

              OMG!!!! how terrifying!!! I’m glad they got you in and out of the ER quick though, that must be a record for sure! 😯 Any idea of what actually caused the cut? Metal, glass…etc?

              We’re guessing glass. He is up to date on his vaccinations, which included Tetnus, so he didn’t have to get a booster of that, one less trauma there.



                Poor kid…I guess some of just like to learn the hard way…I have the scars to prove it. 🙁


                  I hope he is OK i stepped on a rusty nail as a kid and I remember how bad that was. I have to go to the doctor and have him dig my shoes rubber sole out of my foot. OUCH!!

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