
well, peanuts!!!

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      ok, well here is something i’ve been wanting to ask……

      the new packing peanuts being used, will you be using them from now on? the tanish colored noodly ones?

      cause they taste great!!!!! I mean, well…..ever since I found out that the peanuts windstone used are biodegradable and that you could even eat them if you wanted, i have a habit of eating one penut every time i open a new windstone box.
      When i got my first box from oregon, well there was something different! these penuts were not the same! I sniffed them, then put one under water to see if was biodegradable..finaly feeling they must be the same, I ate one! and then i ate another………..these new ones have more taste then the all white ones! >_>

      so are these temporary penuts? or will they be perminet packing snacks for windstones from now on?

      (PC and her husband think I am nuts *crazy grin* )



          ROFL!!!! I shudder every time she pops one in her mouth! Exactly like someone munching popcorn! Aurora saw her doing it one day and then I caught her eating one! 😯 πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Doesnt really tempt me in the least, but we love Koishii in all her quirkyness! πŸ˜†


          Random…. they’re edible? And tasty? Now that is strange…

          The last time I bought from the store I got white ones… and that was after the move, so I dunno about the peanuts thing.


            Cool! How do they taste? I’ll have to try one too when I get another order. πŸ˜†


              Eeeeeew! Ok… guys, this is just too weird!

              Why don’t you stick to, you know, like, real food? Ah, the great taste of apples… and chocolate. Celery? Chips? Anything sounds better than packing peanuts.

              Oh, I just had a tought. How about the REAL peanuts, huh?

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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                that can’t be very sanitary can it?

                not to put down the factory or anything.. but there could be any number of droppings in them.. bug or rodent.. and it could happen from where ever the peanuts are made or even in transportation..

                just because they are biodegradable and not toxic… doesn’t really mean they are edible…


                  I hope the person packing your boxes Koishii never gets a cold! hehehe *ACHOOOO all over your yummy packing peanuts* muahahahaha some food for thought πŸ˜‰


                  Well, I guess that’s compensation for nut allergies XD


                    It’s my cats eating them that gets on my nerves, cause I don’t want them coming up again at 2am! πŸ˜† I haven’t gotten farther than sticking my tongue on one to see if it’s the biodegradable sort.


                      Out of sheer curiousity ….. I just ate one as siberkh1 watched me cringing! LOL! They taste like Communion wafers!

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                        drag0nfeathers wrote:

                        Out of sheer curiousity ….. I just ate one as siberkh1 watched me cringing! LOL! They taste like Communion wafers!

                        YESH! they do!

                        Not very worries about them, but then again i’ve never really been worried about eating wierd things.

                        Crickets so far are my fave bug. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nutty!


                          EEEEW!!!!! πŸ˜›


                            I didn’t get peanuts in my last shipment. It was shredded paper. Are we just packing with whatever is on hand right now? πŸ˜†


                              Jasmine wrote:

                              I didn’t get peanuts in my last shipment. It was shredded paper. Are we just packing with whatever is on hand right now? πŸ˜†

                              yeah I’m pretty sure that’s the way it’s going.. I had a box loaded with that foam paper stuff.. just lots of sheets and bits and pieces of it..

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