
well I kinda quit

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      Hmm yeah If I remember correctly (:P)Fort Mac is like most/all of Alberta. Job+dime a Dozen+ understatment!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

      If you’re gonna have to deal with that, especially if your boss isn’t going to do anything about it, then yeah Quit, it’s not as if jobs are actually hard to come by out here!!


      Yep pretty much, my boss is willing to do anything to keep me, she didnt let me quit even she told me to take a break and think about it. So that is what I am doing.


        Throw something at me, you get a maglite back in the head. There’s a thing called respect for people, you violate it, you get violated.

        I quit my job of 4 years when the boss yelled at me because he “didn’t know where I was”. I was on my scheduled lunch break, and it was written on the back board. I was even back 5 minutes early. He stood there and yelled at me in front of a waiting customer. I put my keys down on the counter and I said “good luck with the customer” and left.

        His dad (1/2 business partner) met me for dinner that night and asked me to reconsider but I told him if it happened once, it would happen again, and he agreed with me. You don’t cross a line like that and expect to go back. I busted my back helping them move the business to a new location, saved them thousands in contractor fees by doing all the internal network, telephone and security wiring, worked overtime without pay .. and that was my payback.

        I took my clients with me too. They lost a $40,000 sale for about 200 pieces of memory two weeks later.

        When I originally started with the company I was just a salesman under another owner, but I worked my way up to full service manager, building and repairing all the computers that came through. He lost himself a pretty large chunk of experience and support, for what?


          that is what happens when you do not treat you fellow humans well


            People suck. That’s why I’m a person, not a people.


              I quit one company I worked for because they required a lot of traveling, and the travel to and from didn’t count towards the hours worked, so if you have to be some place at 9am and it’s 5 hours away by car, guess when you have to get up to get there? It finally started effecting my health. The final straw was my supervisor actually blaming me for getting a severe viral infection that I had to go to the hospital for and get sent home for a week of bed rest. My parents had to come and take me home because I couldn’t breathe well and couldn’t stand up. My lungs felt like they were on fire! When I was able to come back, I told them that I was giving notice. I wasn’t supposed to travel on doctor’s orders and they made me go out to Idaho for a week, then to eastern VA and Myrtle Beach. Idaho was at least a breeze and Myrtle Beach area was easy… and the rental place even gave me a new, black, Mustang Convertible to drive because they were out of economy cars ๐Ÿ˜ˆ It was a nice ending… sipping Margarita’s at Margaritaville with a sports car to drive around in after 5pm (company paid for the gas). Came home, left everything for my report on the desk (it was a weekend), packed up the apt. and headed home. Landed a much nicer job a month later ๐Ÿ˜€ You do what you have to do.

              I do still talk to one of the higher ups in that company though. He has health issues too and understood, but he was in a different dept. He was one of the kewl ones.


                I quit a job once when the manager told me that if I went home early (I was joking about doing that), they would never find my body. I’m sure he was joking at the time, but every night he angrily threatened to kill one of the employees. If he joked with me about it, the next time it would be serious. It’s just a matter of time. They were also not too flexible with my scheduling, so there were more things than just the threat that made up my mind. It’s not good to work somewhere where you have to worry about violent and hostile people.


                when i quit my last industry job before returning to school. the first thing i told everyone i know was ‘i quit my job.’ for the longest time, some of the people i just met at that time remember me as the ‘i quit my job’ girl.


                Well, if you are unhappy with your job then, it’s a good thing that you quit. Just as long as you have another job lined up.

                I quit one of my jobs and really burned the bridge after, all I had after that was a part time job that I got about 4 hours a week at for the first two weeks. I took a full time job overnights, and still worked two day shifts. I was so sick after 6 months of that, I wanted to keep my overnight job but, I had to keep the part time day position. Now I work full time, but I’m considered part time. I still would love to work overnights again.

                There are alot of aggresive people out there.

                One customer threw a tool box (the metal kind full of tools) at a cashier. I can’t remember what his problem was, I think it was because it wasn’t as cheap as he thought it was. This was when K-Mart was bought by HBC and that store just started thier clearance sales. It was an awful time. I found the customers were very aggresive and offencive. I had one customer report me to the manager because she “didn’t like my smile.” (The customer that I was dealing with at the time even called her a b___.)

                I also find that there are so many immature people out there. People really need to learn to deal with thier anger and frustrations in a more productive way. I don’t know when or how it ever became okay to hurt other people. (It’s something that I also have to work on, I don’t physically hurt others but, sometimes I verbally rip people new ones when I really don’t mean to.)

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