well a BEP OW

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    There’s a pic of the BVP in the gallery. And they haven’t hit E-Bay yet, so there are still all 24 up for grabs.


    Now him i love as well. How long does it take Windstone to list all 24?


    If you figure that each auction takes a week, and there are 24 OWs, then you can count of 6 months total. But it’ll most likely be more since there are often breaks between two listings.


    Oh i may just have a chance then 😀


    I missed the end of the auction. Does anyone know what he went for and who got him?


      $1,011 don’t know who got him tho…


      Thanks! I was just curious…


      ddvm wrote:

      I missed the end of the auction. Does anyone know what he went for and who got him?

      tc_cat33 got him…don’t think its anyone on the forum…


        That’s the same one that bought the expensive scratcher.


        TC cat has joined – and now we know why she can buy at those prices. 😀


          And now has their second BEP for a lot less!


            I wish I could buy one, let alone two 🙁


              I am so excited!!!! I have a BEP OW!!! Thanks to TC, and a suggestion from GB, BEP OW # 22 will be coming to live with me!!! Thanks TC!!! It’s a dream come true!!! 😀


              😀 Can’t wait for pics, star!


              YAY, congrats.

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