well a BEP OW

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    Bet Iron Horse knows… 😈


    I’m not sure…she seemed surprised also in her previous post…


      Yeah, I think her exact words were ” 😯 “


      Short, but succinct! 😆


        In fact I have no idea. I only started this database in March of last year. I did get the prices for all the Flame and some other items, like the Copper-Mauve and the Autumn Leaf by painstakingly going over all the ebay feedback and writing down the prices of every different item I could find.

        Unfortunately there are some runs where I don’t have any prices: the black unicorns, the black-gold POW, the Em-Pea POW, and as far as Windstone’s own sales on ebay, I only kept track of the dragons.

        It’s only later when there was some interest that I started listing all the other items (flap cats, griffin, gargoyles, etc)


          I really think it must have been one of the first BG POWs. I was bidding on it, but I dont remember what it went for. I know they were all over $1000 cuz I think that was my bids on them.


            I could be wrong, but I think that the very first hybrid emerald peacock old warrior sold for $4500.00.


              YIKES!! $4500….that makes $1,000 mere pocket change 😯


                Skylover wrote:

                I could be wrong, but I think that the very first hybrid emerald peacock old warrior sold for $4500.00.

                I think it was too, but the high price isn’t listed on our ebay auction gallery. I think I remember it being a bluish one.You’d think I would remember something like that!


                  It was actually one of the first Old Warrior prototypes that I saw. I was led to ebay by this website. I was curious about the prototypes. At that point, I thought I was NEVER going to be able to get one!


                  Prices have really dropped since then. 😯 Our gain – and I think Windstone’s, too, since more people can and do buy for the lower prices.


                  Mos def — very few people can afford to pay $4500 for one piece!


                    I don’t think I’d ever be able to pay $4500 for one piece 😯


                    I can’t imagine doing that, either. Unless it were a new six foot tall door guardian dragon… 😆


                      Now there’s an idea!!!! 😆

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