well a BEP OW

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    I know. They are soo pretty.


      starbreeze wrote:

      #17 BEP OW 😆

      Oh sounds PRETTY


        Pretty doesn’t even come close!


        Dragonsrest wrote:

        GB, #17 is home and he is gorgeous! Happy dance! Happy dance! The colors are so vibrant! The black really sets off his other colors. I think this dude deserves a name!

        That was fast! Congrats, Dragonsrest. Unfortunately, I’m not so excited about picking mine up today because of the fees. I’ll just see him when he gets here and hope he’s pretty enough to lift my spirits.


          did he raise your spirits?


          What are the prices like getting them over to Switzerland?


            Griffiness wrote:

            What are the prices like getting them over to Switzerland?

            See here. http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2064


              in other words HORRIBLE!!


              😆 😆 That’s right, DM. And yes, he did manage to raise my spirits. I guess I was just having a bad weekend. Usually I’m not so fussy about money – and technically it was just five hours of babysitting. But it was still a waste.


                I’m glad he raised your spirits! Those fees are outrageous!


                Gulp abut £70 to get a large Windstone over oh well i bet the Dragon was worth it 😀


                  I’m glad you are feeling better


                  Griffiness wrote:

                  Gulp abut £70 to get a large Windstone over oh well i bet the Dragon was worth it 😀

                  $620 (total of bid, shipping and fees) is not a sum I would have been willing to pay for him up front. If you get an expensive piece like this, Griffiness, have somebody intercept it and send it on to you as a gift. Don’t make the same mistake I did.


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    $620 (total of bid, shipping and fees) is not a sum I would have been willing to pay for him up front. If you get an expensive piece like this, Griffiness, have somebody intercept it and send it on to you as a gift. Don’t make the same mistake I did.

                    Dont worry, girl. In a year or two he will double or triple in value.


                    Oh yeah! How could I forget. 😆
                    That’s assuming the economy doesn’t crash first, of course – and if it does, he’s beautiful enough I don’t want to send him anywhere.

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