
well a BEP OW

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    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    I’m glad I know most of your E-Bay names. I usually back down if someone I know is bidding. Besides, I think sooner or later they would have come out anyway, with somebody saying “I got x” and we’d match up the buy with the buyer.

    Same here, I’m glad we know others’ names because I’ll back off accordingly (if I don’t have my heart set on something) or if something special comes out I really want to make sure the one who really wanted it gets one even if they’re missing the auction! I think overall it’s a good thing we know everyone’s names!


      I like knowing the ebay names especially when forum members sell things. I consider the auction more carefully because their descripts would be more accurate and I would know that the items would be packaged right.


      Ok, can someone explain the bidder 1, bidder 2, bidder 3…etc thing to me. What is that all about?


        Meh, we’re civil, we just talk big, like Snap said, we’ll talk it out as it comes =P


          dragonessjade wrote:

          Ok, can someone explain the bidder 1, bidder 2, bidder 3…etc thing to me. What is that all about?

          I guess the bidder and the seller are the only ones that can can see the details of who is bidding, everyone else only sees a generic discrption if you click on the bidding details.


          They must of changed the auction, cause I thought you could see who was bidding on it before. Hmm, it must be a new expirement.


            If you read the top of the bidder page, it explains that they did it to prevent people from getting fraudulant offers. If you bid on the item, you can see the other bidders, but not if you don’t. They must be doing that with all auctions now.


            Maybe all of Windstone Edition Auctions, but I see other auctions (Like Ski’s) that have it as normal.


              no more 2nd chance offers??? YEAH!!!


                It is only for auctions that start at or reach $200. More info here:



                  That’s bad! Now I won’t know who I’m bidding against on the Old Warriors!


                    Thanks! I hope people learn this quickly, cuz it looked really funny at first!


                    lamortefille wrote:

                    It is only for auctions that start at or reach $200. More info here:

                    Thanks. Although I can still see a problem with the winning bidder’s name still appearing at the end. But it will make it so the other people won’t get fake second chance offers.


                      I do not understand the reason for this either


                        This irks me. More than 10 hours left until the auction ends and people are already driving the price up.

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